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From the Deputy Principal – Teaching & Learning, Ms Lynsey Porter

Ms Lynsey Porter, Deputy Principal - Teaching & Learning

Ms Lynsey Porter, Deputy Principal - Teaching & Learning

Teaching and Learning Highlights

Our school community is buzzing with exciting achievements that highlight the leadership and positive representation of many of our learners over the past two weeks. Last week, some of our Year 8 students showcased their mathematical prowess in the Maths Quad Challenge at Sydney Grammar School, while our Junior School students, inspired by Year 12 student Asher Thomasyu, embarked on an impressive “Write Book in a Day” project.  

Additionally, our Year 10 Work Education students made us proud with their positive attitude and proactive approach during their work experience placements last week.  Also, our Year 12 Legal Studies students gained valuable insights into the legal system during their visit to the Downing Centre Local and District Law Courts.  

Last week we also celebrated the outstanding performances of our HSC Drama Showcase students, when we hosted family, friends and the school community to enjoy an evening with our talented Year 12 Drama students who performed an array of monologues and group performances to an eager crowd. 

Year 12 drama showcase

Year 12 drama showcase

Year 12 drama showcase

We are thrilled to announce that Matthew Frost has received a nomination for OnSTAGE, the annual HSC Showcase for Drama students, for his Individual Performance of, ‘Life Without Me.’  What an outstanding achievement for him and the HSC Drama cohort of 2024.  We have some inspiring images below of the students’ performances.

Matthew Frost Year 12 drama showcase

Congratulations to all of these students who are a testament to the exceptional talent within our school.

In Conversation with Dr Justin Coulson

On Monday evening, four members of our Teaching and Learning team, including the Head of Academic Enrichment, Innovation Coordinator, Ecology Coordinator and I, participated in a professional development session, From Barriers to Growth Opportunities: Overcoming Fixed Mindsets in collaboration with Ravenswood School for Girls

Led by renowned psychologist Dr. Justin Coulson, whose credentials include his PhD in Psychology and his experience as a co-host and parenting expert on Channel Nine’s Parental Guidance, the evening focused on Dr Coulson’s compelling research and practical strategies for recognising and overcoming a fixed mindset.  

Dr. Coulson shared his research which emphasises that intelligence and abilities are not fixed but can be developed through dedication and hard work. This growth mindset perspective encourages students to embrace the discomfort of challenges and learn from everyday setbacks. By understanding that their abilities can be enhanced through effort, students are empowered to take on new challenges and reach their full potential.

Some of his key messages were:

  • Intelligence is not fixed:  Everyone has the capacity to learn and grow.
  • Embrace challenges: View challenges as personal opportunities for learning and development.
  • Learn from mistakes: Mistakes are a natural part of the learning process and offer valuable lessons.
  • Value effort over outcome:  Focus on hard work and persistence, not just a single set of results. 
  • Cultivate a positive attitude: Everyone’s learning journey is unique, feel safe to try new things so you can learn what works for you.
  • Find your purpose: Understanding what motivates you is more effective than simply focusing on motivation.

We are excited to incorporate these valuable insights into our teaching practices and foster a growth mindset culture within our school community. By empowering our students to embrace challenges and believe in their own capacity to build competence in all domains of human potential, we, as educators, can help all students to develop the resilience and determination needed to believe in their personal capability for success.