Ms Lynsey Porter, Deputy Principal - Teaching & Learning
As our Year 7-10 students wrap up their yearly exams next week, it is a great opportunity to pause and reflect on their learning journey throughout Semester 2. We encourage students to use the feedback from their teachers in the coming weeks. This valuable feedback will help them understand which learning strategies are proving successful and which areas might need adjustment.
For our Year 12 2025 students, Term 4 is already in full swing with various assessment tasks underway. Now is an ideal time to assess their workload management, study habits, and overall approach to assessments. By proactively addressing these aspects, students can set themselves up for a successful and less stressful final year of school.
To help with this, we subscribe to Dr Prue Salter’s Study Skills handbook which you can access in this link.
The login details are:
Username: forwaverleycollegeonly
Password: 94results
When students log in to this learning platform, they are presented with a dedicated section titled “Improving Your Study Habits” on the homepage. This section features a module named “After Tests and Exams,” which provides a range of valuable activities designed to support students as they engage with exam feedback and reflect on their approach to the exam period.
Teaching and Learning Highlights
Year 9 Deep Learning Sustainable Biomes
Our Year 9 students are delving into a new cross-curricular unit in Geography and Science this term. The Sustainable Biomes unit focuses on developing global citizenship competencies, with a particular emphasis on understanding the critical role of the environment for human life and survival.
Students are gaining scientific knowledge about various environments and then applying this understanding in their geography classes to explore associated environmental issues. The goal is to empower students to advocate for sustainable solutions that protect our planet’s biomes.
To kick off the unit, our Students of the World Ecology Group (SOTWEG) interviewed Mr Sam McGuinness, Executive Manager for Sustainability at Waverley Council. Mr McGuinness provided valuable insights into the importance of engaging with policymakers and community leaders to drive meaningful change.
For their main assessment, students will work in teams of three to four, taking on the role of environmental officers for the Red List of Ecosystems. They will assess the health of a specific biome, identify risk factors, and develop a presentation proposing drastic action to protect it.
Year 10 Food Tech – ‘I’m a Waverley student get me outta here!’
Our Year 10 Food Tech students are participating in a fun and engaging activity this week. The ‘I’m a Waverley student get me outta here!’ activity exposes students to a variety of foods and ingredients that relate to the units of study covered in the Stage 5 course. This interactive experience aims to reinforce their learning in a memorable way.
As we approach the end of the school year, it’s fantastic to see our students actively engaged in their learning and developing the skills and knowledge they need to become responsible global citizens.