Ms Lynsey Porter, Deputy Principal - Teaching & Learning
Book Club
Last Thursday, we had a fantastic launch of our Community Book Club. It was wonderful to see so many students, parents, carers, staff and community members coming together to celebrate the joy of reading.
We welcomed our special guest, Mr Paul MacDonald, President of the Children’s Book Council of Australia, who spoke to our attendees about upcoming trends in reading and what the research says about the positive benefits of reading.
Some of his key points were about the positive impact that reading has on life expectancy, with studies suggesting that reading can add two to five years to a person’s life span, the interconnectedness of good writing and reading habits, and the benefits of reading on a person’s ability to make better connections with others.
We are so grateful to Mrs Mary Ryan, Literacy Coordinator, Mr William Roberts, Head of Library, and Ms Tamara Bliznjakovic, Library Technician, for their tireless efforts in making this initiative possible.
Also, we thank our students, parents, carers and staff who came along to engage in meaningful conversations about reading and our chosen book Before the Coffee gets Cold by Toshikazu Kawaguchi.
Mr Paul MacDonald spoke about some of the books that are currently trending for young people and we have included some ideas below for some holiday reading: