Ms Lynsey Porter, Deputy Principal - Teaching & Learning
Update on Real-Time Reporting – CANVAS and TASS Parent Portal
In 2022, Waverley College launched ‘Real-Time Reporting’ by introducing the facility for Parents and Carers to become observers of students’ online Learning Management System – CANVAS. This means that parents and carers are able to access results, feedback on any tasks that are submitted through the system and assessment task notifications.
The purpose of this is for:
- parent and carer access to assessment notifications
- real-time and frequent reporting on student performance as it happens
- focus on student growth via recommendations and feedback
- valuing of feedback over marks
- visual information to parents and carers on student engagement and performance within the cohort
- the ability to track students’ progress in assessments and learning checkpoints in all courses.
Instructions on how to access the parent and carer observer function is HERE.
Assessment Categories
There are 3 types of assessments that parents and carers are able to view on Canvas. We recommend that you organise the tasks by ‘Type’ to assist:
- Assessment tasks – these are the formal assessment tasks as outlined in the assessment booklets for each course. All results are delivered through Canvas. For any tasks submitted via Canvas, there will also be feedback available. These are common to all classes in a particular course.
- Learning Checkpoints (formally ‘Formative Tasks) – further information on these types of tasks is outlined below. These are common to all classes in a particular course.
- Class tasks – these are specific to individual classes and teachers. It is recommended that parents and carers focus on Assessment Tasks and Learning Checkpoints.
Formative Tasks Category on the Assessments CANVAS Page
We would also like to update you on the improvements that we have made with our ‘Formative Tasks’ category on the Assessments CANVAS page.
During 2023, a working group of College leaders, classroom teachers and support staff undertook extensive research on effective practice that supports students in how to understand, value and act upon feedback with ‘formative tasks’.
Central to our research was the work of eminent educationalist Emeritus Professor Dylan Wiliam, ‘Feedback is only successful if students use it to improve their performance.’ (Wiliam, 2016) that places the student at the centre of the feedback process.
You can read more about his work on the Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership website HERE. We selected and tested these approaches and used the results to review and improve the ‘Formative Task’ structure for 2024 and beyond.

Emeritus Professor Dylan Wiliam – image: courtesy Dylan Wiliam website
Ref. Wiliam, D. (2016). The Secret of Effective Feedback. Educational Leadership, Vol. 73, Issue 7, 10–15.
These new types of tasks are signposted for students, parents and carers as ‘Learning Checkpoints’ on CANVAS and the details are outlined below.
Learning Checkpoints
Renaming Formative Tasks to Learning Checkpoints recognises that formative tasks should be opportunities to review progress and set goals. They will still be delivered in many forms and each course will aim for 1 – 2 Learning Checkpoints per Semester on CANVAS. These checkpoints are designed to prompt students to use feedback, exemplar work or marking criteria to reflect on their work and set goals with guidance from their teacher.
Parent Portal – TASS
Furthermore to student performance and tracking, parents and carers can also monitor and track students’ results from Semesterised Reports in the Parent Portal by following the steps below:
1. Student details – Academic Analytics
2. Academic Analytics

TASS Parent Lounge Academic Analytics GPA Place in Cohort

TASS Parent Lounge Academic Analytics GPA Position in Class
In the two screens above, you are able to see where your student is currently sitting with the cohort and course and how they are trending within their subject after the release of Semester 1 and Semester 2 reports.
We encourage you to check CANVAS and Parent Portal Academic Analytics during reporting periods, particularly prior to Parent/Student/Teacher Interviews.
Parent and Carer Guide to CANVAS Observers:
How Do I Log In?
- Click on the Landing Page.
- Make sure you bookmark the Landing page link
- This is a single sign on for every other Waverley account you have and follow the prompts
How to Set Up Notifications
- Click HERE.
How to View CANVAS
- How to view assignments – click HERE.
- How to view if my student has submitted an assignment – click HERE.
- How to view my course modules – click HERE.
- How to view my student’s calendar – click HERE.
IT Support
Contact iAssist helpdesk@waverley.nsw.edu.au or (02) 9369 0784.
Ms Lynsey Porter
Deputy Principal – Teaching & Learning
Ms Jenna Turnbull
Innovation Coordinator and Visual Arts Teacher
The NSW PRC has started!
Please ask your sons to see any library staff member, Ms Ryan the College Literacy Coordinator or their English teacher to get started or to continue!
The new student experience PRC website is HERE.
View the poster HERE.
This interface features a ‘discover’ via genre and age interface. Have a look for great recommendations for your sons and family.
The NSW Premier’s Reading Challenge aims to encourage a love of reading for leisure and pleasure in students, and to enable them to experience quality literature. It is not a competition but a challenge to each student to read, to read more and to read more widely.
The Premier’s Reading Challenge (PRC) is open to all NSW students in Kindergarten to Year 10, in government, independent, Catholic and home schools.
Reading in Years 7 and 9 Update
Regular fortnightly reading classes located in the library have started for all students in Years 7 and 9.
Ask your sons about what they are reading and to see us with any recommendations, and we will fast track any such recommendations in.
Fiction Trends
One of the big trends with fiction currently, is the rise and rise of genre fiction. Readers are delighting in genres with this now resulting in blending and mixing of genres in the one book. Genres such as Romantasy and Horror Historical mixes are all available.
What is your favourite go-to genre? Crime, sci-fi, realistic, fantasy, biography, humour? Share with your sons!
It is a great time to try out some reading as a family and to talk about reading with your sons.
Writing Competitions – Congratulations to our Winners!
It is with great pleasure that we congratulate two students from Waverley College who recently won the writing competition run by the local magazine The Beast (along with Reddam House English teacher Mr Compton). Among the judges were Marjorie O’Neill MP and Allegra Spender MP.
The students are Xavier Wright (Year 8 2024) – Winner of Poetry Category and Alex Avdalis (Year 9 2024) – Second in Poetry Category.

The Beast, February 2024, p6
You can read the full magazine HERE.

Upcoming and Ongoing Writing Competitions
20 Years of ‘What Matters’ Writing Competition (Years 5-12)
Since 2004, the ‘What Matters’ Writing Competition has been asking young people across Australia to raise their voices on the issues that matter most to them.
Inspired by Gough Whitlam’s lifelong commitment to involving young people in shaping Australia’s future, 20 years of this national competition has shown us that young people are deeply committed to making the change they want to see in the world. We believe that your voices are important and need to be heard in the conversations we are having as a society.
Entries can be fiction, non-fiction, poetry or prose of up to 600 words, and submitted online.
Students in Years 5-12 could win some amazing prizes for themselves and their schools by entering the Whitlam Institute’s What Matters? Writing Competition.
This includes virtual author visits, writing workshops, the opportunity to shadow political speechwriters and journalists, books and opportunities for your school, and of course, the major cash prize of $1,500.
All details can be found HERE.
‘Write the World’ Writing Competition (Ages 13-19)
Check out ‘Write the World‘ which runs monthly writing competitions, provides writing prompts and provides lots of helpful advice to secondary school students with an interest in writing.
All details can be found HERE.
In their own words, Write the Word is ‘A non-profit dedicated to developing the writing, critical thinking, reading, and communication skills of young writers (ages 13-19) to help them become global citizens and achieve success in school, career, and life.’
Mr Bill Roberts and Ms Mary Ryan
Head of Library Services and Applied Philosophy Teacher | Literacy Coordinator and English Teacher