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Please note: This post is from our website archive. Some of the information within this post may now be out-of-date.

From the Deputy Principal – Teaching & Learning, Ms Lynsey Porter

On Thursday, 7 March, St Clare’s and St Catherine’s student leaders and their teachers were our honoured guests in our celebratory 2024 International Women’s Day Assembly.

Earlier in the week, Year 8 and Year 9 St Clare’s students joined with Year 9 Waverley students in dance, which you can read about in the following article by Mr Patrick Darvill, Head of PDHPE.

Year 9 Ballroom Dancing

As part of our PDHPE program and student wellbeing program, every Year 9 student participated in a short program of Ballroom Dancing under instruction from the Joan Carmody Dance Academy.

Along with students from St Clare’s College, our students participated in lessons in preparation for an evening of dance on Wednesday evening.

I would like to congratulate our Year 9 cohort on their dress, manners and spirit to participate in such a positive way.

Thank you to the staff who assisted in supervising this great program.


Mr Patrick Darvill

Head of PDHPE