Patrick Brennan, Deputy Principal - Staff & Student Wellbeing
May Procession this weekend
Just a reminder that all students are expected to attend the May Procession this Sunday. Students are required to be in full winter uniform (blazer and tie) and to have their names marked off by their Wellbeing Mentor by 11.30am.
This is a compulsory event for all students and is an important part of our devotion to Mary and our formation as a Catholic school.
All members of the College community are welcome to attend this event.
Staff development day – Restorative Justice
On Monday this week, Maurizio Vespa, an expert in restorative justice spent time with staff to further boost their skills when dealing with our students. Maurizio is passionate about the benefits that restorative practices can deliver to improving the quality of human relationships
Conflict and mistakes are inevitable in all relationships and working environments, including schools, however we need to explore positive ways of resolving them.
Restorative Justice is an alternative approach to manage negative behaviour without using punishment or retribution as the motivation. Restorative philosophy provides a framework, which helps to guide our actions and responses to situations where there has been a poor decision made by one of our students.
Restorative Practice utilises intervention strategies that enhance learning, repair relationships and build wellbeing and resilience:
- Restorative Practice teaches that misbehaviour is normal however there are appropriate ways of interacting
- It teaches us to move away from punishment to an educational model of learning
- It focuses on a supportive and collaborative ways of resolving hurt and on the repair of damaged relationships.
A restorative approach is about healing relationships and replacing inappropriate actions and choices with socially acceptable options. A restorative interaction does not set out to judge, blame or prove guilt.
Boys will always make mistakes but the restorative process allows them to reflect on their behaviour and the impact it has had on those around them. It teaches them to accept a consequence and, importantly, formulate a strategy for behaving in a more appropriate manner next time.
College staff will be involved in further training programs on these techniques in the future.
Removal of plastic bottles at Waverley College
As part of our commitment to sustainability, the College is phasing out plastic water bottles. Although water will still be sold during Term 2, the canteen will also stock and sell reusable water bottles. Boys are encouraged to transition to reusable bottles during this time, either bringing their own to school or purchasing one from the canteen.
The College has installed a number of water filling stations to meet the extra demand come Term 3 when no water bottles will be sold on campus.
At our assembly on Tuesday, I spoke to the boys about this initiative which includes the introduction of new recycling bins across the campus. To support this, the College requests that when making recess and lunch for your son(s), you please keep the disposable packaging to a minimum. We all know that this is a tough endeavour in a world that has become so addicted to plastic packaging, but anything that you can do to reduce the amount of single use plastic in your son’s recess and lunch will be significant in supporting our goal of caring for our environment.
Winter uniform Terms 2 and 3
A reminder that students will be required to wear the College blazer and tie to and from the College during Terms 2 and 3. As was the case last year, students failing to do this will be placed on a Saturday detention.
The College has high expectations of our students whilst in public, particularly when travelling to and from school on public transport. The positive message we give to the public though our uniform and grooming is another extension of the ongoing cultural change we are seeing at the College.