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Please note: This post is from our website archive. Some of the information within this post may now be out-of-date.


From the Director of Co-Curricular

(Acting) Deputy Principal - Students, Mr Steve O'Donnell

(Acting) Deputy Principal - Students, Mr Steve O'Donnell

From the Director of Co-curricular, Steve O’Donnell

Thank you all parents, students and staff for their patience with the weather disruptions and the start to the winter season.

We have a full round of Football and Rugby this week against Riverview but we are not yet close to finalising teams. Players who demonstrate good attitude and application in training, as well as good sportsmanship and performance in games, will certainly be considered for higher selections. All students are also reminded that they need to be at their matches 30 minutes prior as a minimum as well as correctly attired at all times.

A reminder also to parents to sign up to ‘Team App’ for their son’s winter sporting activities.

Click here for instructions on how to sign up for the Canteen or BBQ, and to become a part of our tremendous Rugby community

We have also received some really positive feedback regarding the introduction of the Study Group with Literacy sessions on Monday and Tuesday and Numeracy on Wednesday and Thursday afternoons in the library for any student in Years 7-10. The Parents Association have been instrumental in implementing this great program and any student is welcome to attend any of these sessions.

We also have appointed Mr Jeremy Roff as Weights Room supervisor and all students now have far more accessibility before and after school to this impressive facility. Mr Roff is not only an Old Boy but has represented Australia at the World Championships and Commonwealth games in track and is studying Exercise Science at a tertiary level. Boys can access the facility under Mr Roff’s supervision most mornings and afternoons and can also seek advice on appropriate programs. We also have a sprint and agility coach at Queens Park every Wednesday morning at 7am and any student is welcome to attend these sessions.

Click here for a full list of all the students being awarded for their achievements in Summer Co-curricular

From the Tennis Convenor, Cassie Attard

The CAS vs GPS tennis was held on 20th March 2019 and once again Lachlan Unsworth of Year 11 represented Waverley. Despite the CAS losing to the GPS, it proved for a stellar day of tennis and a strong fight to the end.

Lachlan was paired with Cranbrook, and although they went down in two sets, they managed to win a few games along the way. The communication and teamwork between the boys was exceptional, and we are very proud of the mature approach Lachlan displayed in all his matches.

In his singles, Lachlan went down in two sets, but not before putting up a great deal of fight and making his opponent work hard for every point. All players performed well on the day and are to be congratulated for their efforts.