Director of Co-curricular, Mr Steve O'Donnell
Winter co-curricular Award Winners 2024
This week we celebrated some of the amazing achievements of individuals and teams over the 2024 winter co-curricular season. We also celebrated the outstanding contribution Mr Paul Cornish has given right across the College including his 20th season of coaching 1st XV. The full list of Years 5-12 award winners can be found HERE.
Next week is also the CAS Track and Field championships on Thursday, September 19. For those members of the Athletics team the week runs:
Monday – Training at QP
Tuesday – Training at QP followed by Carbo night in the PAC
Wednesday – Periods 5-6 team meeting in the PAC
Thursday – arrive for assembly at 8.40am, followed by the team photo and then departure for Homebush at 11am.
Tuesday, Sept 24 – Track and Field presentation evening
For all other students in Years 7 and 12 they will be in class as normal for Periods 1-4 and will then depart for Homebush at 1.15pm. Students will arrive back at 9pm and any students wishing to return to Maroubra or Hurstville must sign up in the wellbeing centre please. Students in Years 8-11 not in the Athletics squad will have classes as normal (Year 11 are on exams).
On Saturday, September 21 we also our full round of summer sports trials for Basketball, Cricket, Tennis, Touch Football and Water Polo. Please note that year groups are labelled by their 2025 cohorts (Year 7 are now Year 8 and Year 10 are now Opens).
Australian Cross Country Championships Stars
Evan Rowbotham (Year 8) achieved an extraordinary result in the Australian Cross Country Championships in Tasmania in August/September, placing first in his category in the 4000m race out of over 150 top runners around Australia.
Evan also placed second overall in the U15 and U16 4km race however was ranked the first U15 athlete in a time of 14:30.
We also extend our congratulations to Koji Howard (Year 7) who placed 29th in the U14 3km race in a time of 12:17.

Koji far left

Koji far right