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Please note: This post is from our website archive. Some of the information within this post may now be out-of-date.

From the Director of ICT, Campus and Innovation, Mr Simon Potter

Director of ICT, Campus & Innovation - Mr Simon Potter

Director of ICT, Campus & Innovation - Mr Simon Potter

Cybersafety Week

Our Cybersafety initiative kicked off this week with sessions for the Senior School students covering a range of topics relevant to their age group.

YSafe Senior School information session

YSafe Senior School information session

Next week we will facilitate sessions for the Junior School students, and finally turn our attention to Parents with an online session for both Junior and Senior School parents/carers.

To register for these events please use the following links, we will be recording these invaluable sessions for publication later.

Registration Links for Two Online Parent Sessions

Protecting kids in the digital world is an ever evolving task for Australian families. Now, more than ever, parents are looking for guidance on how to manage screen time, deal with negative online experiences, and navigate the world of gaming and social media.

Join Australia’s award-winning and leading cyber safety educators, ySafe, as they take you through the latest trends in online behaviours, social media and games, as well as the latest research and legislation as it applies to children and their families in the online world.

This session is strategy rich, and full of practical tips (including take home resources) to help you ensure you are able to create a truly cyber safe home.

If you’ve ever struggled in getting your kids off their devices and into bed, or worried about the content or connections they have online, then this webinar is for you.

We look forward to seeing you there!

YSafe Senior School information session

YSafe Senior School information session