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Please note: This post is from our website archive. Some of the information within this post may now be out-of-date.

From the Director of ICT, Campus and Innovation, Mr Simon Potter – FamilyZone End of Life

Director of ICT, Campus & Innovation - Mr Simon Potter

Director of ICT, Campus & Innovation - Mr Simon Potter


We have recently been in discussions with FamilyZone regarding their product which we have partnered with for the last five years. Their software had provided parents/carers with the ability to control access to content on school-issued devices.

Following those conversations and with FamilyZone shifting the focus of their product to a new suite – Linewize/Qustodio – it has become clear that this solution, in its current form, is no longer viable on student-issued devices as it will not provide the same functionality as FamilyZone.

As a result, we will be removing the FamilyZone software from all student devices.

This is not a decision we have taken lightly, as cybersafety and encouraging good practices when using the Internet is paramount, however we did not want to perpetuate a product that is now not suitable for our devices.

iAssist will continue to investigate other solutions and will provide information to parents/carers. We will also remain across the Linewize development timeline, so that if they are able to provide the experience we want for our parents/carers in the future, we can revisit their platform.