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Please note: This post is from our website archive. Some of the information within this post may now be out-of-date.

Junior School News

From the Director of Junior School

From the Director of Junior School, Anthony Banboukjian

Prayer for the Week

We begin Week 2 after a very busy start to the school year. Some of us have settled in and some of us are still finding our feet. Some of us have built on old friendships and begun new ones. Some of us are still finding it difficult to meet new people. Let us focus this week on trying to make everyone feel included in all that we do here at Waverley College. Our prayer this week focuses on the elements of being a good friend.

Help me, O God, to be a good and true friend.

To be always loyal, and never to let my friends down;

Never to talk about them behind their backs in a way in which I would not do before their faces;

Never to betray a confidence or talk about the things about which I ought to be silent;

Always to be ready to share everything I have;

To be as true to my friends as I would wish them to be to me.

This I ask for You who are the greatest and the truest of all friends.
For your love’s sake,


Blessed Edmund Rice: Pray for Us

St Mary of the Cross: Pray for Us

Live Jesus in our Hearts: Forever


Welcome to the 2017 school year. It was terrific to see the boys in their new uniforms and polished shoes ready to start the year with tremendous energy. I hope they can keep up this standard all year round. I hope everyone had a great holiday and a chance to recharge their batteries ready for another exciting year.

The boys have been challenged to be the best they can be in everything they do. I would appreciate if the parents could follow this through at home as well.

A big welcome to all our new students in Year 5 and 6. We look forward to their active involvement in all things Waverley.

I look forward to meeting many of our new and ‘old’ parents at the Waverley College Parents’ Association Welcome Cocktails celebrating the commencement of the 2017 College year. It will be held on Saturday 25 February 2017, 6:30pm to 10pm at The Cosgrove Centre Rooftop, Waverley College, 131 Birrell St, Waverley (details below).

Our complete staff for 2017 is as follows:

Executive Team:
Mr Greg Harris – Assistant Director, Year 5 Mathematics and Year 5 Computer Studies
Mr Matthew Ryan – Sportsmaster and Year 6 Green Class Teacher
Mr Stephen Ghattas – Assistant Director of Mission (Junior School) and Year 5 Blue Class Teacher
Ms Jennifer Hoare – Acting Curriculum Co-ordinator and Year 6 Gold Class Teacher

Year 6 Team
Mr Ben Meadley – Year 6 Red Class Teacher
Mr Anthony Gill – Year 6 Blue Class Teacher
Mr Kendall Robinson – Year 6 White Class Teacher
Mr Matthew Ryan – Head of Sport Junior School and Year 6 Green Class Teacher
Ms Jennifer Hoare – Acting Curriculum Co-ordinator and Year 6 Gold Class Teacher

Year 5 Team
Mr Anthony Stanton – Year 5 White Class Teacher
Ms Amy Crewdson – Year 5 Green Class Teacher (replacing Mrs Ryan who is on leave for 2017)
Mr Mark Claridge – Year 5 Red Class Teacher
Mr Tony Proudfoot – Year 5 Gold Class Teacher (replacing Ms Bransby who is on maternity leave)
Mr Stephen Ghattas – Assistant Director of Mission (Junior School) and Year 5 Blue Class Teacher

Specialist Team:
Mrs Michelle Rollins – Music and Drama
Ms Charlotte Stephens – French
Mrs Katrina King – Learning Support
Ms Margaret Fitzgerald – Learning Support
Mrs Morag Tunks – Librarian
Mrs Megan Schmitz – JS Counsellor (Wednesday and Thursday)
Mr Glenn Fleming – Counsellor (Friday)
Mrs Audrey Coupe – School Secretary
Mrs Sharon Baldock – Canteen
Mrs Julie Williams – Canteen


WE NEED YOUR HELP. Julie and Sharon who run the canteen are in desperate need of helpers to ensure that we can provide the best possible service to our boys. If you can spare 1 or 2 days a term please contact Audrey ASAP. Everyone is welcome and it is a wonderful opportunity to meet new parents and for your son to say hello to you at school.

Sport on Wednesdays

With a change in the timetable for 2017 our sports program is held every Wednesday. Boys are asked to come to school wearing their sports gear which includes their house coloured shirt – Aungier (Red), Brennan (Royal Blue), Conlon (Emerald Green), Green (Bottle Green), Lacey (Maroon), O’Connor (Black), Quinn (Sky Blue) and Tevlin (Gold). All clothing is available at the Uniform Shop located at the Senior School. If you are unsure of your son’s house please contact Mrs Coupe at the Junior School Reception.

Saturday Sport

Our summer sports trials were held last week. The boys participated with great energy and excitement and the teachers managed to select their squads for the upcoming summer competition. The trials are an incredibly difficult process and the Junior School staff does their best to ensure ALL students have the best opportunity to showcase their talents. Unfortunately not all the boys could be selected in their first preference but all boys have been allocated into either their second or third preference. Information about training times, venues and draws was sent home via the Skoolbag app last week and is available on the College website.

Parent Information Night

The Parent Information night will be held on Tuesday 21st February. This meeting will commence in the Junior School auditorium with a brief welcome from the Acting Head of College Mr Graham Leddie followed by a meeting in your son’s classroom. The meeting will commence at 7.00pm sharp.

During the meeting your son’s teacher will outline procedures and policies for classroom arrangements and communication for this year. Information such as the timetable (including explaining how our 2 week cycle works), homework policy and class expectations will all be discussed.

It will also be a great opportunity for you to meet the parents of the other boys in your son’s class. Your son does NOT attend this meeting.

Please note that the car park at the Senior School will be open for use.

I look forward to seeing you on the night.

Laptop Rollout

At the start of the school year students in Year 5 are issued with new MacBook computers as part of the Waverley College iLearn initiative. To facilitate this, you and your son are asked to attend a deployment afternoon on Wednesday 15th February 2017 commencing at 3.15pm at the Junior School site; this will run until approximately 4.45pm.

At the deployment afternoon your son will be issued with a new device after you have signed off on a copy of the iLearn contract that will be provided at the start of the session.

To avoid congestion and to make the process of collecting the laptops easier please note where to go on the deployment afternoon:

If your son is in –

  • 5 Green – go to 5 Green, sign the contract and collect the laptop then proceed to the auditorium.
  • 5 Gold – go to 6 Green, sign the contract and collect the laptop then proceed to the auditorium.
  • 5 Red – go to the library, sign the contract and collect the laptop then proceed to the auditorium.
  • 5 Blue – go to the Art room, sign the contract and collect the laptop then proceed to the auditorium.
  • 5 White – go to 6 White, sign the contract and collect the laptop then proceed to the auditorium.

If you are unable to attend or you have any questions regarding the deployment process please feel free to contact Mr Simon Potter ( or myself.

I look forward to meeting you during the evening.

Cocktail Party

The Head of College, the Director of Junior School and the Waverley College Parents’ Association cordially invite all Parents and Carers to attend the 2017 Waverley College Welcome Cocktail Party

  • When:Saturday 25th February 2017, 6.30pm to 10pm
  • Location: The Cosgrove Centre Rooftop, Waverley College, 131 Birrell St, Waverley
  • Details: Canapés will be served. A range of beer, wine and champagne will be available for purchase (cash & EFPTOS available)
  • Dress: Smart Casual
  • RSVP: Friday 17 February 2017.
  • Contact: More information call 9369 0753

I look forward to meeting many of our parents at the Cocktail Party.

Who do I Contact?

If you are facing any difficulties at the Junior School please use the table as a guide on who to contact. 

Area Issue Steps Contact Person
Curriculum My son’s progress in a subject / the content of a subject / his performance in assessments / his conduct in class 1st contact

2nd contact

3rd contact

Class teacher

Learning Support

Junior School Director

Pastoral Care My son’s academic, social, physical and spiritual development, including discipline, peer relationships, attendance 1st contact

2nd contact


3rd contact

Class teacher

Junior School Director

If needed,
School Counselor

Sport Matters relating to training sessions of my son’s team / team expectations / selection and venues / times 1st contact

2nd contact

3rd contact

Team coach

Head of Sport – Junior School

Junior School Director

Fees / Finance For payment of fees and general enquiries. 1st contact

2nd contact

Assistant Business Manager

Business Manager

Travel Opal Card applications / replacements, etc. 1st contact Mrs. Coupe

9387 5022

Contact details Change of address / phone number / email 1st contact Mrs. Coupe

9387 5022

Other For general information / absences / illness 1st contact
2nd contact

Mrs. Coupe

9387 5022

Junior School Director

Chess Notice

Learn to be a chess champion! Coaching for students at Waverley College Junior School is held on Tuesdays starting on 7 February 2017 from 12:30pm to 1:30pm. Learning and playing chess helps children develop their logical thinking and problem solving skills, improves their concentration and focus, while also being a great source of enjoyment.

Activities include group lessons on a demonstration chess board or interactive whiteboard, puzzle solving and fun practice games. Students earn merit awards by making checkmates, or by displaying skills and positive qualities, which all good chess players strive to develop.

If your child is interested in taking part, you can collect an enrolment form from the school office, or email for a copy. For all enquiries, please contact Sydney Academy of Chess on (02) 9745 1170.

Swimming Carnival

Our annual swimming carnival is on Friday 17th February and is held at the Senior School pool. All parents are invited to attend. Please note – the students will be sitting in stands behind the pool and space will be provided for parents and guests on the grass area alongside the pool however due to the building works space will be limited. Shade tents will be available but if you are thinking of coming along please remember to bring your chairs or blanket. The carnival should finish at approximately 1.45pm and no boys will be permitted to leave until the carnival is complete and presentations have been made. Please note there are no canteen facilities available.

Waverley Skoolbag App

Waverley released its Skoolbag app which is available for both iPhone and Android devices a couple of years ago to assist contact with parents and students. This app is a free download and enhances the way the school communicates with students and families.

You can find the Skoolbag app for Waverley by searching in either Google Play or the Apple App store for ‘Skoolbag Waverley College’. You can also find links to the app on the School website.

Name on all Student Property

Can I please stress the need to ensure your son has his name on all his gear – it makes it far easier to return any lost gear.