Ms Suzanne Walsh, Director of Mission and Identity
Year 12 Social Justice Program
This year as part of our Social Justice Program, many Year 12 students have volunteered for the Vinnies Night Patrol Service. This program is part of the outreach work run by St Vincent de Paul Society which provides students from Waverley College the opportunity to meet people who may be in different circumstances to their own. Some of the people who visit the van are homeless, at risk of homelessness or they may not be homeless at all but are able to engage in conversation and meet others in the community.
The aim of the Vinnies Van service is also to provide food, drink and friendship to people on streets. Students are reminded of the importance of showing respect and treating every person they meet with dignity. This follows our College Touchstones, centred around Solidarity and Justice and Inclusive Community.
The contribution of both our Senior students and the Junior School students and families who have donated food and drinks has been invaluable. As part of the program, Year 12 students are also involved in making over 100 sandwiches which are handed out during the visits to different locations in Sydney. Thank you again for all of those in the Waverley Community who have been a part of this program, we will continue to share our charity and service to the Vinnies Van Service throughout 2024 and welcome your support.
Ms Cath Lipman
Social Justice Coordinator