Diary Dates
Please find below some reminders about upcoming events. For all of Term 1 events, please refer to the College calendar.
11 Feb – Swimming Carnival
15 Feb – Summer Sport – Round 1
18 Feb – Elephant Ed, Puberty and Embracing Change – 6pm
22 Feb – Summer Sport – Round 2
27 Feb – Brennan House Mass & Supper, Chapel, 6pm
1 March – Summer Sport – Round 3
6 March – Aungier House Mass & Supper, Chapel, 6pm
8 March – Summer Sport – Round 4
12 March – Quinn House Mass
15 March – Summer Sport – Round 5
17 March – NAPLAN Testing window
19 March – Lacey House Mass
20 March – Class and Summer Sports photos
22 March – Summer Sport – Round 6
24 March – Winter Sport Trials
10 April – Classes Conclude
It is with great excitement and gratitude that I welcome you all to Term 1 of the 2025 school year. As the newly appointed Director of Junior School, I feel both privileged and inspired to join a community that is deeply committed to nurturing the growth and potential of every student.
It has been a pleasure to welcome our new Year 5 students and their families to Waverley College this year. The first day of school is always a special milestone, and our boys looked smart in their new uniforms, eager to begin their Waverley journey. Equally exciting was seeing our Year 6 students return, reconnecting with friends and teachers, and filling the school with smiles and enthusiasm.
Thank you to all the parents who attended Tuesday night’s cocktail function. It was a fantastic opportunity for everyone to mingle, build connections, and for me to meet many of you in person. If we haven’t had the chance to meet yet, I look forward to connecting with you in the coming weeks.
It has been a busy week in the life of our school with Summer sports trials, swimming trials, Year 5 laptop deployment, Meet & Greet Interviews and setting up learning routines in classrooms. There is certainly a buzz and positive energy as you walk the corridors and throughout the playground.
Thank you for your warm welcome and for entrusting us with the education and wellbeing of your boys. I am looking forward to a great year ahead!
We welcome Roisin Quinn to the Junior School teaching team. Roisin has been teaching in the High School, and is joining the Junior School as one of our Learning Support teachers.
She brings with her passion and expertise in embedding the latest teaching pedagogies to both support and enrich learning for our students.
This year, we are implementing a new system to record attendance. Please refer to communications sent from ORAH and reach out to our IT team if you are having any difficulties with this process. Thank you for your cooperation with this.
Sports Trials
A huge thank you to Jade Sparks and the whole staff team for running the sports trial this week. It was a wonderful display of skill and character from all of our boys as they gave it their all.
It is understandable and normal for boys to feel disappointment during team announcements, however with the consistent message of ‘every boy is in a team, and every team is valued’, our boys responded with resilience and maturity.
Plan B
Please have a discussion with your son about always having a Plan B for when plans change. This is very important for our students especially around sport and co-curricular activities.
At times, these activities will be cancelled due to wet weather and other unforeseen circumstances. Please put together a plan so your son knows exactly what to do when circumstances change.
As communicated last week, we have started an aftercare service at the Junior School. For further information and to book online, please visit this link.