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From the Director of the Junior School, Ms Alanna James

Director of the Junior School, Ms Alanna James

Director of the Junior School, Ms Alanna James

Diary Dates

Please find below some reminders about upcoming events. For all of Term 1 events, please refer to the College calendar. 

  • 8 March – Summer Sport – Round 4
  • 12 March – Quinn House Mass
  • 12 March – NAPLAN Testing 
  • 12 March – Winter Sport Trial #1
  • 15 March – Summer Sport – Round 5
  • 19 March – Lacey House Mass
  • 19 March – Winter Sport Trial #2
  • 20 March – Class and Summer Sports photos
  • 22 March – Summer Sport – Round 6
  • 24 March – Winter Sport Trial #3
  • 10 April – Classes Conclude

Shrove Tuesday Pancake Sale

A huge thank you to all of our Waverley community for your pancake donations for Shrove Tuesday. Together, we raised an incredible $800 for CARITAS! It was wonderful to see our boys enjoying their pancakes and donating to such a wonderful cause. Thank you Mr Ghattas for organising this special event. 

International Women’s Day

On Thursday, we celebrated International Women’s Day by attending a whole school assembly and honoring the incredible women in our lives. We were also fortunate to hear from Elka Whalan, an Olympic swimmer, who shared her experiences and delivered key messages to our boys about the progress made in gender equality, particularly in sports. Inclass, our students took part in research activities to learn about prominent and trailblazing women in society.


NAPLAN will commence Wednesday 12th March for our Year 5 students. Please see the recent app notification which outlines further details and information. We look forward to supporting your child through the NAPLAN period, and if you have any questions, please reach out to your child’s teacher. 

Co-curricular Update from Ms Sparks

AFL Paul Kelly Cup Trials

Well done to all students who trialled for the AFL Paul Kelly Cup on Monday morning. We selected a team of 16 students who will compete on Monday, 10 March at Queens Park. We wish them all the best at the competition and look forward to hearing how they go! Thank you in advance to Ms Hunt and Coach Vas for taking them.

IPSHA Swimming Carnival

Congratulations to all 14 students who competed in the IPSHA Swimming Carnival on Tuesday. It was a massive day out at Sydney Olympic Park Aquatic Centre and all the boys gave their best efforts. Some PBs were made and a shout out to the boys who made it through to CIS Swimming (26 March):

  • Senior Relay Team: Jack Forde, Kai Hess, Hugo D’Amours, Jack McKenney
  • U12 50m Freestyle: Jack Forde
  • U12 50m Backstroke: Kai Hess
  • U12 50m Butterfly: Jack Forde & Kai Hess
  • U12 100m Freestyle: Jack Forde & Kai Hess

IPSHA Touch Football Trials

Thank you to Mr Horry for taking 5 keen Touch Football players from the Junior School to the IPSHA Touch Football Trials on Thursday – Liam Morrissey, Walker Leondis, Koby Leondis, Billy Kehoe and Freddie Saville. All the Waves did extremely well and congratulations to Koby, Freddie and Billy who were selected for the CIS Touch Football Trials (30 April).

CIS Basketball

A huge congratulations to Marley Fuller, who has made the CIS Basketball team after trialling on Friday. We are so proud and wish you all the best on May 13 at the PSSA Basketball Trials.

Finally, a friendly reminder about Cross Country Trials at 7.30am on Monday, 10 March. Meet Mr McKimm at Waverley Park to run. 

Good luck to all our teams for Round 4 Summer Sport tomorrow!