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Please note: This post is from our website archive. Some of the information within this post may now be out-of-date.

Junior School News

From the Director of Waterford, Gabrielle Smith

It has been lovely welcoming the boys back to Term 2 and hearing all their holiday stories.

It was wonderful to see so many mothers, grandmothers, aunties, godmothers and those who are like mothers to the Waterford boys at our annual Mother’s Day Mass today. The boys certainly loved having you at school for this special occasion. On behalf of the Waterford community, I would like to wish everyone a Happy Mother’s Day on Sunday.

Project Compassion Easter Raffle

The Waterford students are to be commended for their wonderful generosity throughout the season of Lent. The 6 Gold boys generously donated Easter Eggs to gift three beautiful Easter baskets as prizes. The support from all the boys at Waterford was magnificent. The Raffle was drawn on the last day of Term One with over $450.00 being raised for Project Compassion. The following boys were overjoyed when they heard their names called out as the winners:

1st Prize: Aidan Herlihy (5 Gold)

2nd Prize: Hugo Fernandez (5 White)

3rd Prize: Kirby Foltman (5 White)

4th Prize: Orlando Collins (6 Gold)

Louis Agius in 6 Gold is also to be commended for his fantastic initiative in organising a cake stall to support Project Compassion. His beautiful baking raised over $150.00.

Armidale Rugby Tour: April 12-14

I would like to congratulate all the boys, teachers and families involved in the annual Armidale Rugby Tour which took place at the end of last term. Forty boys in Year 6 represented Waverley College in the Blue and Gold Rugby Squads at the Armidale School during the first weekend of the school holidays. Mr Harris, Mr Ryan, Miss Hoare, Mr Proudfoot and Mr Lavorato spent four weeks prior to the competition preparing the boys at training sessions for their matches.

It was a highly successful carnival for both teams, in particular, Mr Harris’ Blue Squad who made it to the Division One Final against Southern Districts Rep Team. Although a loss, Mr Harris was delighted with their outstanding achievements. The Gold Team was also successful achieving 4th place in Division 4. Player’s awards went to Rhys Ferguson and James Finegan in the Blue Squad and Jasper Goodwin and Luke Newrick in the Gold Squad.

All boys should be commended for their spirit, commitment, teamwork and sportsmanship. The boys and parents expressed their love for the weekend; the experience; the efforts of staff and the new friendships they had formed. Special thanks to Mrs Trudy Devereux for her amazing efforts in organising the social events for the parents over the weekend.

I would like to thank all the teachers for their generosity of time, effort and support in making the weekend a success and a wonderful experience for the boys that they will always cherish.


In 2019 the National Assessment Program – Literacy & Numeracy (NAPLAN) will be conducted for all students in Years 3, 5, 7 & 9 in all government and non-government schools. The program will assess the literacy and numeracy learning of all students in all Australian schools.

The tests will be conducted across Australia on the same timeframe for all students. The Year 5 students at Waverley will follow this timetable;

Tuesday 14th May – Writing test
Wednesday 15th May – Reading test and Language Conventions test
Thursday 16th May – Numeracy test
For each test, students will require headphones and their laptop fully charged as all tests are online. The testing each day will be conducted over one to two periods. When not involved in testing the students will have normal lessons.

Nine’s Gold Telethon

On Wednesday we welcomed Channel 9 to Waterford to film a segment for Nine’s Gold Telethon. We were approached as we have been a long-term fundraiser of The Sydney Children’s Hospital through our annual walkathon organised by Mr Gill.

The boys involved had to answer the question “How would you brighten the day of a sick kid?” I was impressed with the genuine care and empathy the boys displayed which was reflected in their responses.
We look forward to this going to air on Monday 11th June.

Term 2 Key Dates

NAPLAN – Monday 14th, Tuesday 15th, Wednesday 16th May
Year 6 Canberra Excursion – Tuesday 21st, Wednesday 22nd, Thursday 23rd May
Founder’s Day Holiday – Friday 7th June
Queen’s Birthday – Monday 10th June
Year 5 Cyber Bully Incursion – 1:30pm-3:00pm – Tuesday 11th June
Reports Home – Friday 21st June
House Athletics Carnival – E.S Marks Athletics Field – Wednesday 26th June
Music Showcase Concert – PAC 7:00pm – Thursday 27th June