Head of College, Graham Leddie
- March 8 | Senior School Swimming Carnival tomorrow, Des Renford Pool
- March 11 | No classes on Monday due to Staff Development Day
- March 15 | End of Season Cricket Presentation. More info in the Co-Curricular Cricket section
- March 16 | The annual Basketball Presentation Night. More info in the Co-Curricular Basketball section
- March 21 | Mufti Day for International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination
- March 27 | Conlon House Mass 6-8pm. Bring your own plate of food to share.
International Women’s Day
At this week’s assembly, we celebrated International Women’s Day. Students and staff joined us from St Vincent’s College, Brigidine College Randwick, St Clare’s College and Kincoppal School. Our guest speaker was Ms Emma Alberici who is the Chief Economics Correspondent for the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC). Ms Albericci was previously the presenter of Lateline, a reporter for 7:30 Report and a reporter and producer with A Current Affair on the 9 network.
Ms Albericci’s speech was very well received and challenged the audience to reflect on the rights of women and to take bigger steps towards building a more equitable world. By embracing gender diversity and equality for all, we are not only doing what is right, but we are increasing the width of skill-sets, intellect, innovation and possibilities under consideration in decision making, which will lead to better outcomes for all.
On behalf of the College, I would like to acknowledge and celebrate all of the efforts that women have played, and play daily, in ensuring our community continues to develop and improve. Grandmothers, mothers, daughters, leaders, teachers and support staff all play an important role in the College and continue to have a positive influence.
Parent Association Cocktail Function
Thank you to all members of the College community who came along to the Parents’ Association Cocktail Function last Saturday evening. It was nice speaking with many parents and hearing about all the positive starts your sons have had in the new academic year. Thank you to Ms Mary Ramsay, Ms Deb Johnson, and the rest of the committee, Ms Emma Lawrence and Ms Jaimi Walker for organising the evening, it was a great success.
Foundation Launch
On behalf of the College and Board Chair Dr Mark Davies, I would like to congratulate Dr Brett Courtenay who has been appointed as the inaugural Chair of the Waverley College Foundation. The Foundation has been created to formalise, encourage and maximise philanthropy at the College. The existing Building Fund, which supports the development of better teaching and learning facilities and the Edmund Rice Bursary Fund, which helps students who would not otherwise be able to attend the College, will both fall under the newly created Foundation.
We are still in the formative stages, and we have work to do in getting the Foundation fully active; however, there are a number of key initiatives already underway including the Sean Barclay Scholarship and the Percy Watson Teaching Excellence Fund.
Firstly, Sean Barclay was an Old Boy, Class of 1992, who passed away suddenly in 2017. His father Bernard Barclay, also an Old Boy, is going to fund a scholarship in Sean’s memory for a boy to start in Year 7, who otherwise would not get the opportunity to come to a school like Waverley. We are humbled and inspired by Bernard’s generosity.
Secondly, a group of Old Boys (the Reunion Committee of 1965/1966) have been championing an initiative called the Percy Watson Fund. Dr P.J.R Watson, known as Percy, taught at Waverley in the 1960s. He was an inspirational teacher and character – so much so that some of the students he taught, who left Waverley College more than 50 years ago, have grouped together in an initiative aimed at supporting teaching excellence at Waverley College in Percy’s honour.
Child Protection
Waverley is one of fifty Edmund Rice Schools across Australia that have been under the governance of Edmund Rice Education Australia since 2007. In terms of commitment to Child Protection, EREA is committed to the creation of positive and robust child protection cultures, ensuring that all children who are a part of the EREA Network are safe and valued members of their school communities.
Child abuse includes sexual offences, grooming, physical violence, serious emotional or psychological harm, serious neglect, and a child’s exposure to family violence.
EREA has zero tolerance for child abuse and regards its child protection responsibilities with the utmost importance. EREA is committed to providing the necessary resources to ensure compliance with all relevant child protection laws and regulations, and to maintaining a child safe culture.
The following principles guide the development and regular review of our work systems, practices, policies and procedures to protect children from abuse:
1. All children have the right to be safe.
2. The welfare and best interests of the child are paramount.
3. The views of the child and a child’s privacy must be respected.
4. Clear expectations for appropriate behaviour with children are established in the EREA Child Safety Code of Conduct within the EREA Code of Conduct.
5. The safety of children is dependent upon the existence of a child safe culture.
6. Procedures are in place to screen all staff, Direct Contact Volunteers, Third Party Contractors and External Education Providers who have direct contact with children.
7. Child safety and protection is everyone’s responsibility.
8. Child protection training is mandatory for all workers as required by legislation.
9. Procedures for responding to alleged or suspected incidents of child abuse are simple and accessible.
10. Children from culturally or linguistically diverse backgrounds have the right to special care and support including those who identify as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander.
11. Children who have any kind of disability have the right to special care and support.