Head of College, Graham Leddie
22 March | Closing date for Year 5 and Year 7 Applications for 2021
27 March | Conlon House Mass 6-8pm. Bring your own plate of food to share
1 April | Year 7-11 Parent teacher-student interviews, Gym 8.30am-6.30pm
3 April | After the Bell Forum, Gym 7pm-9pm
4 April | Year 11 Parent/Teacher/Student Evening, Gym 6-7.30pm
6 April | Year 8 and Cadets depart for Camp and return 12 April
12 April | Last day of term and returning on 30 April
From the Head of College, Graham Leddie
A Prayer for Christchurch
Many of our students have expressed a strong desire to stand in solidarity with the people of Christchurch amid their unimaginative grief.
This prayer was offered during Wellbeing Time this week….
Let us pray together for our brothers and sisters in New Zealand. We pray for those caught up in the events in Christchurch, New Zealand, for those killed and wounded, and for those who mourn the loss of loved ones.
We pray that people who have become disenfranchised, can find a non-violent way of expressing themselves and can be granted the courage to rise above hate and revenge. Soften their hearts and bring peace to your precious people of New Zealand.
We pray people will embrace diversity, we commit ourselves to playing our part in advocating for justice and peace and to building life-affirming communities, where all may experience a sense of belonging.
We pray for the people of the emergency services as they respond, and for community leaders and faith leaders as they work to heal broken communities.
May the soul of those who have died rest in peace, the injured restored and healed.
Strategic Plan
Please click this LINK to view the 2019-2023 College Strategic Plan. The plan was constructed from a wide community consultation process throughout 2018 and it is very much owned by the College’s staff. Each College Leadership Team Member (CLT), Head of House, Head of Department and Manager at the College have constructed their 2019 Action Plan including specific initiatives, actions and strategies linking to this plan. The Plan highlights areas that we consider essential for the College’s continual improvement. The crux of the plan focuses upon improving teaching and learning at the College whilst continuing to develop our wellbeing and student formation programs to develop holistically every student. I recommend at least a short viewing of the plan and we look forward to bringing it to fruition with your assistance.
Study Group Launch
This week saw the launch of Study Group where Year 7-10 students are able to access tutoring that focuses on literacy and numeracy. Boys can organise to attend these sessions around their co-curricular commitments to get support with assessments. We will also be providing targeted assistance to Year 11 and 12 students from Term 2 based upon a survey of their needs across subject areas. Thank you to Ms Ashleigh Della-Marta and Mr Michael Couani for running the sessions, Ms Gemma Brown, Ms Ashleigh Della-Marta and Ms Cassie Foster for writing the programs and Mr Stephen O’Donnell for coordinating the program. Thank you also to the College’s Parent Association for funding this wonderful initiative.
Waverley represented at the National Schools Constitutional Convention
Congratulations to Year 11 student Bradley Marzol who this week represented our College at this prestigious national convention. Bradley was one of only 120 students chosen from around Australia to attend the 24th National Schools Constitutional Convention.
Premier’s Reading Challenge
Please see Mr Bill Roberts newsletter article for further information in this edition. For boys in Years 5 – 9 with the aim of encouraging a love of reading and engagement. These years are particularly critical in formulating boys literacy skills that assist them greatly in their senior years. I encourage you to get your son involved.
This last week we have been celebrating National Day of Action against Bullying and Violence and also National Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination. EREAs Touchstone of “inclusive community” clearly sets the boundaries for us in addressing these two important causes. There is no place for either as we respect the dignity of each human being no matter what their background, colour, religion or race is.
We also certainly do not try and make someone else’s life more difficult by bullying them. Bullying is an ongoing misuse of power in relationships through repeated verbal, physical and/or social behaviour that causes physical and/or psychological harm.
It can involve an individual or a group misusing their power over one or more persons. Bullying can happen in person or online, and it can be obvious (overt) or hidden (covert).
Single, one-off, incidents and conflict or fights between equals, whether in person or online, are not bullying, even though they are not acceptable behaviour.
As parents, teachers and carers we can continue to speak with young people about why bullying, violence and racial discrimination are unacceptable, and continue to teach our sons and daughters that, regardless of personal feelings, every person is entitled to have their humanity respected.
We cannot opt out of our collective responsibility to deal with any bullying or racial discrimination that we encounter. We must work together to stamp out aggressive and anti-social behaviour and empower our sons and daughters to stand up against bullying and violence in all its forms.
Ballroom Dancing
As part of our PDHPE program and student wellbeing program, every Year 9 student participated in a short program of Ballroom dancing under instruction from the Joan Carmody Dance Academy. Along with students from St Clare’s School, our students participated in lessons in preparation for an evening of dance on Wednesday evening. I would like to congratulate our Year 9 cohort on their dress, manners and spirit to participate in such a positive way. I received many comments of praise from parents and staff that witnessed the evening. Thank you to the staff that assisted make this evening a success.
Former Headmaster Retires after great service
Last Saturday evening I attended a dinner to thank and congratulate Br Bob Wallace, former Headmaster of Waverley. Bob has been the chair of Australian Schoolboys Rugby since 1992 and retires this year. He has been the driving force to ensure boys have opportunities to perform to the highest levels, tour and learn from other regions of the world. It was a testament to the far-ranging impact that Bob has had with attendance from people from the United Kingdom and New Zealand. Famous past schoolboys such as Wally Lewis and Tony Melrose were also in attendance to acknowledge his work over many years.
Dear Waverley College Community,
On behalf of Apifoou College Ex-students in Australia, I would like to express our sincere gratitude and appreciation to the Waverley College Community for the donation of sports gear for the APIFOOU COLLEGE APPEAL, TONGA.
As the ongoing process of rebuilding damage classrooms caused by Tropical Cyclone – Gita (February, 2018) for a few more years to come, the students of Apifoou College will make use of these sports gear and enjoy some sport. The sports equipment collected was shipped to Tonga on the 20th February, 2019 in time for the inter-college competition and rugby season. I hope this appeal project is the foundation for a sister relationship between the two
Thanks and regards
Soane Halaholo
(President – Apifoou College Ex-students in Australia
CAS Swimming and Diving
Congratulations to all of our competitors who came a credible 5th and 4th in the CAS Swimming and Diving respectively. There were many personal bests on the night which is all you can ask of any athlete and there were some standout Individual performances that included are worthy of noting:
Stuart Swinburn – Murray Garrety Award for most outstanding CAS Swimmer. Stuart broke three College records on the evening including the Opens 50m Freestyle record that has stood since 2000.
Peter Cassimatis – 2nd in U17 50m and 100m Breaststroke which also included breaking his own College record from earlier in the year
Scott Swinburn – 3rd in U17 100m backstroke as a 14-year-old
Congratulations to Knox (Swimming) and Barker (Diving) on their respective wins in the competition.