Principal, Mr Graham Leddie
Last week we celebrated reconciliation week with a beautiful celebration on College assembly. Please see Ms Sue Walsh’s update in this newsletter. EREA have developed a national reconciliation action plan which will become part of their Strategic Directions 2020-2024 plan. The College is committed to working towards reconciliation and ensuring all Australians have access to the same resources and opportunities.
Importance of having a goal
Last Friday our Year 12 cohort attended the HSC and Careers Expo at Moore Park Convention Centre. This opportunity gave the boys a further chance to fine tune their thinking about their next step in their educational journey. The expo also offered valuable seminars on UAC application process, secrets to HSC success and how to utilise the holidays for the HSC.
Some boys are very clear on where they want to head in the future after their career profile testing in Year 10 and the Elevate goal-setting sessions in both Year 10 and 11. Other boys are still making up their minds. Both circumstances are acceptable positions to be in, what is important however is the importance of having a goal and researching the options available.
- I need an ATAR of … to get me into this course at a particular university.
- I need an ATAR around … to give me a few options because I am still not sure of exactly which direction I wish to head.
- I need to get my CV and certificates together and start organising interviews for apprenticeships that are starting to come up.
Goals are important because they galvanise our thinking, they give us the energy to seek improvement and try our best. As parents, we should have light-hearted career conversations with our sons as early as possible (Year 7 and 8). A clear commitment is not required, but it is important to get your son thinking about this process and assist him in setting his own goals and direction.
To assist in finding the right goal and pathway, we also need boys to spend some time researching the options that are now available. There are many early entry opportunities and different ATAR requirements between the universities. If your son needs further guidance then please ask him to see our Senior Studies and Careers Coordinator, Ms Kath Knowles. I referred a boy to Ms Knowles earlier this week and the young man feels like the world has lifted off his shoulders because he came away with some clear goals and options. He knows exactly what he needs to do and he has time to improve and strive to achieve them.
National Write a Book in a Day
Congratulations to the following Year 9 boys who have been selected to participate in the National write a book in a day event: Dexter Craddock, Michael Richmond, Saxon Armstrong, Chris Snelling, Jonty Booy, Julian Tee, Daniel Risk and Daniel Di Francesco.
Annual Giving Appeal
The Waverley College Annual Giving Appeal has officially launched and it is all about advancing teaching excellence. In addition to the Building and Scholarship funds, I’m delighted to launch the Percy Watson Teaching Excellence Fund. A unique initiative developed by the Old Boys Class of 1965/66 Reunion Committee. The fund has been established to honour the resounding impact of former Waverley teacher, Dr Watson. It strives to support Waverley teachers in their pursuit of higher learning and teaching excellence. To find out more about our fundraising initiatives, please visit our Support Us page on the website or donate now.
Writers and Illustrators holiday camps
“Write like an Author” is an internationally acclaimed writing course that teaches young writers the skills and techniques that professional authors use to create their stories. During the camp, each participant will develop and write an original creative story under the guidance of well-known author and writing coach Brian Falkner.
“Draw Like an Illustrator” is our concurrent illustration course that teaches young artists the skills and techniques that professional illustrators use. The presenter is Serena Geddes.
The camps will be held at Monte Sant’ Angelo College during the school holidays, starting on Tuesday, July 16, 2019, and running until Thursday, July 18, 2019. For more information please visit www.writelikeanauthor.com and www.drawlikeanillustrator.com.
EREA National Principals Conference
Last week, I represented Waverley for three days at the national EREA Principals Conference held at St Bernard’s College, Essendon. Over 50 principals were present from across Australia and New Zealand. The theme of this year’s conference was Edmund Rice Education in 2030. It was guided by Professor Sohail Inayatullah, global futurist and UNESCO Chair of Future Studies. Professor Sohail began with the question, ‘What is impossible today, but if possible, changes everything?’ He challenged us to imagine the unthinkable and dream of the impossible. We were asked to consider some of the major disruptions and emerging issues and where these would leave our respective schools. I enjoyed the process that Professor Sohail lead us through and the importance of ensuring we are looking and predicting ahead to ensure that we are agile and innovative in our direction.
Inaugural CAS AFL Premiership
Congratulations to our 1st XVIII players who took out the inaugural CAS AFL premiership with an undefeated season last Saturday. The squad is:
Year 12 Players: Harry Whitaker, Timothy Waring, Henry Standfield, Xavier Slezak, Darcy Mullins, Stephen Morrissey, Tyler Holding, Oliver Hackers, Kyle Goulding, William Durkin, Andre-Christian Collett, Noah Burgess, Ashley Backlund, Tommy Tyson, Charlie Rodger, Charlie Longmire, Nicholas Buckingham, and Ash Backlund.
Year 11 Players: Tobias Renshaw, Bodhi Reiners, Zachariah Murphy, Reid McNamara, William Mozar, Joshua Cornelius, Ollie Rinder, Matthew Higgin-Titsha, Patrick Smith
Year 10 Player: Noah Mitchell
Well done to the coach Mr Jack Wachtel and convenor Mr Alan Riordan.
Young Conversation Champion
Congratulations to Ned Wieland who has been awarded the by RUOK with the young conversation champion prize for his significant fundraising and awareness raising for this important charity. Please see the full article in this newsletter.
Wishing you all a safe and relaxing long weekend.