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Please note: This post is from our website archive. Some of the information within this post may now be out-of-date.

Head’s Message

From the Head of College, Graham Leddie

Principal Graham Leddie

Principal, Mr Graham Leddie

Key Dates

Rugby Presentation Night
Football Presentation Night
Friday 16 August
AFL Presentation Night Saturday 17 August
Information Night for all 2020 Immersions (Red Earth, Timor Leste, Kenya) for current Year 9 & 10 students Tuesday, 20 August, 6pm
Careers Night 2019 Wednesday, 28 August, 6pm
Fathers Day Liturgy and BBQ Thursday, 29 August, 9am


Two Saturdays ago, I attended my 30-year school reunion. It is an interesting event and experience, looking at and speaking with some schoolmates for the first time from a third of a lifetime ago. A lot of them appearance-wise had changed and six had sadly passed away. I was intrigued about whether they had changed on the inside, were they better people? Were they wiser? What had they done with their time on the planet and their gifts? 

What became evident after speaking with many of them was that the happiest gentlemen, the ones still full of life, had pursued something they were good at or had some smarts or intelligence in. 

According to Dr. Howard Gardner, professor of education at Harvard University, there are nine human intelligences. 

Linguistic intelligence = word smart
Logical-mathematical intelligence = number/reasoning smart
Spatial intelligence = picture smart
Bodily-Kinesthetic intelligence body smart
Musical intelligence music smart
Interpersonal intelligence = people smart
Intrapersonal intelligence = self smart
Naturalist intelligence = nature smart
Existential Intelligence = human existence smart

Your sons might be talented across all 9 intelligences, or they might have strengths in a couple. Either way, my learning from my 30-year reunion was there was a vast difference in happiness and job satisfaction for those that had pursued their passion and smarts vs those that had other motivations. Many adults find themselves in jobs that do not make optimal use of their most highly developed intelligences. For example, the highly bodily-kinesthetic individual who is stuck in a linguistic or logical desk-job, when he or she would be much happier in a job where they could move around, such as a recreational leader, a forest ranger, or physical therapist.

At last week’s academic assembly, I encouraged the boys to pursue both what they enjoy learning about and their passions as these will deliver a greater chance of satisfaction and happiness.

I congratulate the following boys on their academic achievement and intelligence that they have each shown across a variety of areas.

Please click here to view all of the award winners.