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Please note: This post is from our website archive. Some of the information within this post may now be out-of-date.


From the Head of College, Graham Leddie

Principal, Mr Graham Leddie

Key Dates

  • Tuesday 15 October, Term 4 Begins
  • Friday 18 October, WCCU Presentation of Rank Parade
  • Saturday 19 October, WP CAS Trials
  • Tuesday 22 October, Year 12 (2020) Parents Information Evening
  • Thursday 24 October, College Assembly Years 5 – 12
  • Friday 25 October, Festival of Bands

Year 12 Graduation, Class of 2019

Over the past few weeks, I have been on a Study Tour to Scotland and Rome with 20 other Catholic Principals to meet with schools, universities and religious institutes. I did not want to miss the opportunity to thank and acknowledge the ongoing hard work and dedication of our graduating cohort so I prepared a special message that was shared on the day. If you were unable to make the ceremony, we will be sharing the live video next week and a notification will be sent on SkoolBag app.

Thank you for all for your support of your son during Term 3. It has been a busy and productive term for most boys. We officially farewell our Year 12 students and wish them all the best for their upcoming HSC examinations. I wish all boys a restful and enjoyable spring break and look forward to seeing them return safely in Term 4 on Tuesday, 15 October.


Spring is a metaphor for change.
Some changes we eagerly await,
and some we abhor.
Some changes we plan
and others arrive uninvited.
To all these changes
we ask the gift of Your perspective
beckoning us to expectation, hope, and rebirth.
May the sunlight and the rain be reminders
that You are at work renewing the earth.
As a God of renewal, You are ever at work in our lives, too.
Open our eyes and lives to the needed changes in our lives this Spring.
Awaken us to new life and perspective.
Jesus is our spring, our new life.
May our lives give in abundance.