Principal, Mr Graham Leddie
Giving Day – we have raised $228,118
On 31 March we proudly launched our inaugural Giving Day to raise much-needed funding for means-tested Edmund Rice Bursaries for students and families doing it tough, both within our community and further afield.
I’m pleased to endorse that the day was a resounding success. At the time of publishing, we have raised $228,118!
Thank you everyone. Thanks to the generous support of our matching benefactors, we were able to triple the amazing number of donations of parents, students and community members. We not only exceeded our original target of $120,000 but also our second target of $200,000!
Even though we’ve reached our target, we are still accepting donations this week. Every dollar helps us fund more hardship bursaries for more students. You can see your donation and the donations of other Waverley community members on our Giving Day page here: www.charidy.com/wc
Large events like this flourish because of the help and expertise of many hands, both on the day and behind the scenes in the preceding weeks. I am sincerely grateful for the parent, Old Boy and student volunteers and our own Waverley staff for giving their time and energy on Giving Day – we honestly could not have done it without you.
We particularly thank:
- Students: Leo Astridge, Patrick Hogget, Baxter Seinor, Kayden Baker, Max Sheehy.
- TAS staff: Stephanie Boyce, Anne O‘Loughlin, Garth Aird and the hospitality students.
- Volunteers: Andrew Maloney, Jade Stapleton, Jade Stewart, Patricia Nunes, Zeina Moussa, Kim Lincoln-Smith, Ilter, Jen Dugard, Nicolle Hann-Dunbavin, Mary Raymond, Lara Hoiles, Dimi Chorafitis, Jane Goldrich, Belinda Rosada, Julian Grosvenor, Tamara Shelley, Haim Mano, Summer Fox, Denis Hickey, Nick Dowd, Fiona Stamatelatos, Mary Ramsay, Eva Stepankova, Michael Jaeger, Lil Murphy, Rowena O’Halloran, Warwick Boys, Nicky Crewe, Rozy Dorizas, Salvatore Riolo, Ben Henderson, Roy Pereira, Tanya Lynch and Deb Johnson.
- Benefactor matchers: Andrew Malone, NG Farah Peter Goulding and Adrian Bo, Ellis Plumbing, John Ardino, Sydney Roosters, Anthony and Di Sweetman, Brett Courtenay, Pasquale Guerrera, Professor Stephanie Watson, Parents’ Association, Old Boys’ Union, John Coorey, Stuart King and several anonymous donors.
- Marketing & Development: Jaimi Walker, Venettia Miller, Emma Laurence, Pri Patel, Vanessa Witton, Kylie Anderson and Angus McPherson.
Easter Reflection
During Lent we are called to turn again and be reconciled with God so that we fully embrace the hope that comes with Easter. When we have hope in the promise of the resurrection we can completely surrender to the love of God and give ourselves completely to building the community of love:
I abandon myself into your hands;
do with me what you will.
Whatever you may do, I thank you:
I am ready for all, I accept all.
Let only your will be done in me
and in all your creatures-
I wish no more than this, O Lord.
Into your hands I commend my soul:
I offer it to you with all the love of my heart,
for I love you, Lord, and so need to give myself,
to surrender myself into your hands without reserve,
and with boundless confidence,
for you are the One.
I wish all in our community a safe and happy Easter.