Principal, Mr Graham Leddie
Long Lunch
Last Sunday, we were delighted to welcome over 500 parents and carers to our inaugural Long Lunch. To everyone who attended, we hope you had a fantastic time. Community and connection are at the heart of Waverley, and this event was a true reflection of the joy and sense of belonging that comes from being part of such a strong and supportive network.
Thank you to our Foundation Manager Mr Billy Nicolas and the Marketing team of Ms Krista Thomas and Mr Angus McPherson, as well as our Campus team, for their incredible effort in bringing this wonderful event to life. You also raised $40K towards the Science & Innovation Centre. Thank you!
Photos from the event can be viewed here.
Parent/ Student/ Mentor Meetings
Reminder, Year 7-12 Parent/Student/Mentor meetings are on next Monday afternoon, 1.30-3.30pm. Senior school students finish at 1pm as they are expected where possible to join their parents for the zoom interviews.
Student Led Assembly
This week, the College Student Leaders organised and presented an impressive assembly that unpacked the class of 2025 motto: “Driven by Passion; Inspired to Serve.” This motto highlights the numerous opportunities students have, both in and out of the classroom, to engage in activities they are passionate about.
The College offers a wide range of experiences to suit various student interests, including the Students of the World Ecology Group (SOTWEG), music, Ballroom Dancing in PDHPE, a Spanish excursion to the Machu Picchu exhibition at the Australian Museum in Sydney, Drama and Music trips to HSC showcases, Study Skills sessions from Elevate and Dr. Prue Salter, Future Problem Solvers, and the NRMA Future of Transport Challenge to name but a few.
The College encourages students to suggest new activities if their interests are not currently covered.
Student Opportunities
Recently, two significant opportunities have been announced for students. First, a new Japanese student exchange program is being offered to Year 10 students.
Mr. Lachlan Drew-Morris will provide more information to parents and carers via the College App. Second, the Edmund Ignatius Rice Senior Essay and Speech competition has been announced. Details for this competition can be found on the Year 11 and 12 English Canvas pages.
‘Kids Giving Back’ – Not For Profit Organisation
We are very proud of the following students who elected to spend part of their summer holidays volunteering to help provide over 6,500 meals, snack packs, care packages and wrote heartfelt messages to support 15 charities across Sydney.
If you would also like your son/s to experience meaningful opportunities to give back to disadvantaged people in our community, consider the Kids Giving Back Community Programs www.kidsgivingback.org
Joshua Fox – Year 6
Henry Grantham – Year 6
James Zimmermann – Year 7
Jack Gibson – Year 7
Max Chadwick – Year 6
Buddy Ross – Year 7
William Sorrenson – Year 7
St Catherine’s School
Earlier this week, I had the privilege of attending the induction service for Ms. Deb Magill, the 14th Headmistress of St Catherine’s School.
It was a wonderful occasion celebrating leadership, learning, and the bright future of the school. In her address, Ms Magill reflected on her rich educational journey across both Australian and British schools, sharing her deep belief in the power of education to shape lives.
Her words served as a reminder of the profound influence teachers and schools have in nurturing curiosity, confidence, and a lifelong love of learning.
Year 7 Camp
Congratulations to our Year 7s who navigated their first Senior School outdoor education experience to Somerset Outdoor Learning Centre. Somerset is located about 90 minutes North-West of Sydney on the Colo River (known as the last pristine river in NSW). The Centre operates from a central Base Camp which services over 40km of the Colo Valley.
The boys participated in a number of activities including canoeing, rafting, abseiling, hiking, cooking, obstacle course, rock climbing and the wombat hole challenge. It is a wonderful opportunity for the boys to take a break from screens and make new friends whilst challenging themselves in the outdoors.
Health Care
Please support the College Health Centre by making sure your son/s medical history and emergency contacts are updated. This will help us better manage students in our care and ensure we have the correct medications and management plans available.
Please also remember, students who fall ill at school should report to the Health Centre where their illness will be assessed by the College Nurse. Junior College Students will be directed by the Junior College Office Administrator.
Students are not permitted to call their parents/guardians themselves OR to leave the College without permission. Once a student has been sent home, the College will record the students as having left the College grounds.
Registered Nurses Ms Julia Ritoli works Monday – Tuesday and Ms Adele Cutbush works Wednesday to Friday. You can reach them on 02 9369 0644 or nurse@waverley.nsw.edu.au
Please be advised that when submitting a pass in Orah to advise that your son needs to leave school early, please also remind your son that they will be leaving early, and that they will need to have their belongings and be ready at reception at the appropriate time.
We cannot guarantee that the front office will always have someone available to collect the student from class if they forget.
Online Parent Workshop – Toolbox Education
Toolbox Education is running a ‘Thinking Traps’ Parent Workshop via Zoom on Monday 10 March. This workshop gives parents a set of tools to help young people catch their unhelpful thoughts before they spiral. See Flyer attached for more details.
This is a network wide session, with parents from other EREA schools also invited to attend.
Date: Monday 10 March, 2025
Time: 6:30pm – 7:30pm
Workshop: Thinking Traps
Zoom Links: https://zoom.us/j/96308272460
Social Media Ban
What happens now?
The new social media law is in motion-but it won’t take effect for at least 12 months. During this time:
- The Communications Minister will determine which social media apps are included in the ban.
- Trials of age verification technology will begin in 2025 to guide implementation.
- The eSafety Commissioner will define “reasonable steps” for platforms to implement to block u/16’s from social media.
Please follow the link to read practical tips on how to prepare your family for the social media ban.
Blue and Gold Ball – Save the Date
We are excited to announce the save the date of our major fundraiser the Blue & Gold Ball, to be held on Saturday, 16 August 2025.
Last year’s Blue & Gold Ball was a sell-out success, raising valuable funds for our building fund. This year we hope to inspire a new generation of families to contribute to the first step in our Master Plan, the Science and Innovation Centre. This inspiring appeal sees Waverley College embarking on the largest-scale construction project in its history.
Get set for a spectacular night at the 2025 Blue & Gold Ball with pre-dinner drinks and canapés under the stars followed by a formal gala dinner, drinks and dancing, live music and auction items.
We are looking for event sponsors, raffle donations and auction items, please reach out to: foundation@waverley.nsw.edu.au if you would like to get involved.