Principal, Mr Graham Leddie
HSC Musical night
On Tuesday evening I had the pleasure of attending our Year 12 Music students’ final performance before their upcoming HSC examinations in a couple of weeks, along with many of their parents/carers. The level of performance and talent on display was highly impressive. Each boy should be very proud of the skills and talents they have developed and achieved. Our music staff should also be very proud of what they have helped harness in their students.
Art and Design Exhibition
This year’s Art and Design exhibition held on Wednesday evening was also a pleasure to attend.
The exhibition featured works from Industrial Technology (Multimedia), Industrial Technology (Timber) Design & Technology and Visual Arts. The creative skills and imagination on display were amazing with pieces evoking many different feelings, emotions and perceptions of the world created by our students. Congratulations to our Technology and Visual Art teachers and support staff on an impressive array of student work.
Blue and Gold Ball – Auction now LIVE!
Our Blue & Gold Ball Silent Auction is now live, and open to everyone (even if you’re not attending the Ball)!
Proudly sponsored by This is Africa, LJ Hooker, OrthoBoutique, The POP Team, Bondi Gin Co, Penny’s Hotel and Neeson Murcutt Neille.
Look around the site HERE and get involved by bidding on some of our amazing auction items, generously donated by families and businesses in our College community.
All proceeds will go towards the Science and Innovation Centre.
Archbishop of Sydney Awards for Student Excellence 2024
Congratulations to Remy Frampton (Year 12) as Waverley College’s recipient of the Archbishop of Sydney Awards for Student Excellence 2024. A medal and certificate were presented to Remy by Archbishop Anthony Fisher OP today at St Mary’s Cathedral College Hall.
Established in 1999 by Edward Bede Cardinal Clancy, the Archbishop’s awards are an annual recognition of some of the outstanding young men and women in Catholic schools.
They have been an important way of highlighting the very positive contribution that young people make to their local communities. Specifically, these awards recognise those young people who give witness to their Christian values and who actively contribute to the faith life of their school. Recipients of the award are practising Catholics who show responsible participation in the life, mission, and work of the Catholic faith community.
2025 College Musical – Little Shop of Horrors
PERFORMANCE DATES: May 13, 14, 15 and 16 – 2025
Little Shop of Horrors is a deviously delicious Broadway and Hollywood sci-fi smash musical.
While working for a struggling florist shop in Downtown’s Skid Row under the stern management of Mr. Mushnik, the meek floral assistant, Seymour Krelborn, stumbles across a new breed of plant which he names “Audrey II” – after his co-worker crush. This foul-mouthed, R&B-singing carnivore, promises unending fame and fortune to the down and out Krelborn as long as he keeps feeding it, BLOOD. Seymour, after some convincing, is happy to offer up Audrey’s abusive dental practitioner boyfriend Orin Scrivello in order to appease the ravenous plant’s appetite. Over time though, Seymour discovers Audrey II’s intent towards global domination.
AUDITIONS: will be held at the following times [Call-backs will be in Week 9 after school, as advised].
- Tuesday 10/09/24 – Recess and Lunch time at the PAC (MALE ROLES)
- Wednesday 11/09/24– Recess and Lunch time at the PAC (MALE ROLES)
- Wednesday 11/09/24 – After school (3.30 to 5.30pm) at the PAC (FEMALE ROLES)
Auditions will consist of singing, relatively brief readings from the play’s dialog and possibly learning and performing a basic dance/movement sequence to the music of Little Shop. Please plan on staying for the full initial audition date/time as you will be up and down on the stage a number of times.
Students interested in being part of the College Musical “Little Shop of Horrors” are encouraged to complete the following Audition Application Form and read the Audition Pack.
Acting Auditions ‐ will consist of readings composed of selections from the script; make yourself familiar with the relevant roles.
At initial auditions, you may be asked to read from more than one selection with various audition partners.
Some of the acting segments will be done in monologue format. We may also ask you to read for parts that you may not wish to be considered for. We want to see you up on stage as much as possible and the more interactions we see, the better!
We will, most likely, ask you to sing first and then rotate auditioners through acting auditions. Again, you will be up and down a number of times during the initial audition period.
Music Auditions ‐ ALL auditioners will be taught selections from the show. You may prepare by seeing the selections in the audition pack. Those auditioning for a lead role will also need to learn and be prepared to sing an excerpt from a song.
Should you have any questions or concerns please contact Ms Keiran Kossenberg, Performing Arts Centre Coordinator, kkossenberg@waverley.nsw.edu.au