Principal, Mr Graham Leddie
Trial HSC Examinations
Please continue to keep our Year 12 cohort in your thoughts and prayers during their HSC trial assessment period. Week One has gone well and I thank staff, parents and students for working together to ensure this has gone smoothly. We wish them the very best of luck.
We have also spoken to our Year 11 cohort and parents today, to outline their upcoming Year 11 examination assessments.
Winter Co-Curricular Awards 2021
Congratulations to the following students who received awards for Winter Co-curricular achievement at Thursday’s online assembly. We recognise their accomplishments in a wide range of activities. They are an inspiration to all of us to nurture our skills, talents and passions and always strive for excellence.
Award Winners
>>> Click here to view our extensive list of Winter Co-curricular Award recipients in the article by Mr Steve O’Donnell, Director of Co-curricular.
Wear it Purple Day
We have two significant days that we will be celebrating in our upcoming calendar, Wear it Purple Day next week and RUOK? Day in a couple of weeks’ time. As an EREA school, one of our four Touchstones is Inclusive Community, which means we respect difference and the dignity of each individual. We want our school to be a safe and inclusive learning community for all students. Please see Mr Brennan and Ms Prior’s article within this Nurrunga or via the link below.
>>> Click here to view the Wear it Purple Day article by Mr Brennan and Ms Prior.
Adam Hegedus and Alexi Piovano (Class of 2015), are the Old Boys behind Educating The Future (ETF), a not-for-profit that facilitates powerful change through education in Timor-Leste. Pending COVID-19 restrictions, they will soon embark on a fundraising venture along the Great Ocean Walk in Victoria to raise $30,000 to build another classroom in Timor-Leste.
>>> Click here to learn more in the Conversations article by Ms Venettia Miller.
Vaccinations for Your 16-18 Year-Old Son
From Wednesday 18 August, people aged 16-39 who are residents of the following local government areas (LGAs) and suburbs can access priority appointments for vaccinations.
I encourage families to consider vaccination for their son if you reside in these LGAs and he is aged 16-18 years old.
NSW Health has confirmed that the vaccination priority roll out for residents 16-39 years old who live in one of the areas of concern are eligible to book for a Pfizer vaccination.
*Eligible LGAs include: Bayside, Blacktown, Burwood, Campbelltown, Canterbury-Bankstown, Cumberland, Fairfield, Georges River, Liverpool, Parramatta and Strathfield, as well some suburbs of Penrith.
Priority COVID-19 vaccination booking for 16-39 year-olds can be accessed via the NSW Department of Health link below:
>>> Click here to view the NSW Department of Health Priority COVID-19 vaccination booking for 16-39 year-olds.
Dedicated School Bus Services on Hold from 19 August
We received notification from Waverley Bus Depot that from Thursday 19 August, Waverley depot will be unable to provide any dedicated bus services due to COVID-19 staff impacts. This will only affect the small number of students of essential workers who are currently attending the College.
We will inform you when our dedicated school services will resume. It is also a reminder to us all that COVID-19 is circulating in our local community and that students should not be catching up in parks and beaches at this time in numbers, and should be following the NSW government and Health’s advice of staying at home, unless absolutely necessary.
It’s Okay not to be Okay
This ABC radio broadcast, on the impact of the current situation on mental health, might be of interest to many of you at this time. It comes from Waverley College Old Boy (College Dux 1976), and NSW Chief Psychiatrist, Professor Ian Hickie. Ian is also a Senior Principal Research Fellow and Professor of Psychiatry at the University of Sydney and Translational Research Collective, and Co-Director, Health and Policy, Brain and Mind Centre.
>>> Click here to listen to the 9-minute ABC episode.
Professor Hickie and author and broadcaster James O’Loghlin also host the weekly Minding Your Mind podcast exploring all aspects of mental health and what you can do to find solutions.