Principal, Mr Graham Leddie
As the end of Term 3 approaches, I give thanks for the resilience and work ethic displayed by staff, parents and students throughout this unusual and challenging term. I thank the staff for the energy and resources that they have put into online learning, pastoral care and their lessons. I thank parents for their continued support of their sons and their partnership with staff in trying to achieve good outcomes whilst balancing their own work situations. And I thank the students for their resilience, dedication to learning and their engagement with a different learning paradigm.
In speaking with many parents, most students have made progress throughout the term and have performed well under the challenging circumstances that are in play. That said, there have certainly been days, when everyone has been tested and had to bounce back from a lockdown wall, both perceived and real.
I have certainly seen many examples of the 2021 Year 12 motto of “Real Gratitude: Deeds Not Words” being lived out throughout the term across many College situations and circumstances. And I am guided by Pope Francis in trying to achieve this motto myself through his following words:
“Rivers do not drink their own water;
trees do not eat their own fruit;
the sun does not shine on itself and
flowers do not spread their fragrance for themselves.
Living for others is a rule of nature.
We are all born to help each other.
No matter how difficult it is …
Life is good when you are happy;
but much better when others are happy because of YOU.”
This segues nicely into a special day celebrated each year in that of RUOK? Day. I want to acknowledge the College’s long association with the RUOK? charity and acknowledge the amazing work of the Larkin family in assisting all Australians to take an active role in checking in on each other and having a conversation.
>>> Click here to view the RUOK? Nurrunga article by the Deputy Principal – Student and Staff Wellbeing, Mr Patrick Brennan.
Updated HSC Timetable and Important Information for Year 12
Today NESA released the updated HSC timetable and as a result UAC has released their key dates. There are no changes to the SRS (Schools Recommendation Scheme) timetable, and offers will be released on 12 November. Year 12 students will not receive ATAR-based offers in December. The first ATAR-based offer round for Year 12 students will be January Round 2 on 26 January 2022.
UAC Timetable
- ATARs released Thursday, 20 January 2022.
- Change of preference deadline midnight Friday, 21 January 2022.
- HSC results released Monday, 24 January 2022.
- Offers released Wednesday, 26 January 2022.
Key Dates for Year 12
- 4 November 2021 – 11:59pm – SRS – Change of preference close.
- 12 November 2021 – 7:30am – SRS – Offer release.
- 20 January 2022 – 9am – ATAR release.
- 21 January 2022 – 11:59pm – Change of preference close.
- 26 January 2022 – 7:30am – Offer released.
Early Entry Program
Further to my message in last week’s edition of Nurrunga, below is further information about early entry programs to UTS (University of Technology, Sydney) and ACU (Australian Catholic University).
UTS — With the recent changes to the HSC, UTS has made some changes to their Early Entry Program.
>>> Click here to view an update about the UTS Early Entry Program.
ACU Guarantee — this program offers eligible Year 12 students an unconditional place at ACU based on their Year 11 results. In response to UAC’s decision to delay the main offer round until January, ACU has added another round of offers to students. Applications will now close on Friday 8 October 2021.
>>> Click here to view further information about ACU Guarantee.
Year 12 HSC Examination Timetable
Today, NESA released the HSC Examination Timetable for 2021.
>>> Click here to view more in the Nurrunga article by Acting Deputy Principal — Teaching & Learning, Ms Gabrielle Smith.
National Child Protection Week 5-11 September 2021
At this week’s College Assembly, I reminded students of being vigilant in being safe, particularly online at this time. This week we celebrate National Child Protection Week and this year’s theme is ‘Every child, in every community, needs a fair go’. I made mention of the recent increase in online crimes and the need for boys to be mindful of random people trying to make contact with them and to be suspicious of their motivations. If your gut feeling tells you something is wrong or off, it usually is. Please encourage your son to tell someone or report directly to the E-commissioner.
Wingara Update (Junior School)
As you know, the College is seeking to utilise the land that it owns at the back of the Junior School to provide a natural environment connection experience and outdoor play space that will benefit student learning and wellbeing.
A primary objective for the design team is addressing any foreseeable impacts to our neighbours, the natural environment and the local area. We have started a consultation period with our neighbours who live behind the Junior School. Next week we are meeting with Waverley Council’s Urban Ecology team.
EREA Climate Crisis Statement
The EREA Climate Crisis Statement was launched on 19 August 2021. The Statement speaks to us with hope and optimism grounded in a call for renewed and reimagined action. It has been developed over 18 months through consultation with over 1600 young people from EREA schools and various other members of our school communities. We are seeking a shift in attitudes and actions, to address the climate crisis and to restore harmony to God’s creation.
>>> Click here to view the EREA Climate Crisis Statement.
COVID-19 Update
Whilst most of the media focuses on transmission in the South Western or Western parts of Sydney, I have picked up in my comms that comes to Principals directly from the Health Department, of an increased transmission in our area. A few of our students have contracted COVID-19 and I pray for them and their families at this time.
Please follow the Health Department warnings at this time. When students return to school, all of our teachers and staff will be vaccinated, most already are. If your son is eligible to be vaccinated, I certainly encourage you to have that conversation and get this organised. I know that I am safer being vaccinated and that I am safer for ‘other people’ being vaccinated. The College Nurse, Ms Adele Cutbush will continue to provide you with any new information we receive about vaccination availability.
>>> Click here to view the Nurrunga article by our College registered nurse.
Online Lessons Conclude
Wednesday 15 September will be the last day of online learning for Term 3 with Thursday and Friday being screen-free days. There will be no supervision at the Junior or Senior Schools on these two days.