Principal, Mr Graham Leddie
Good luck Year 12
On behalf of the College Community, we wish our 2021 Year 12 cohort all the very best with their HSC examinations that start next Tuesday. The students have certainly had a very tough two years of Senior School in having to work around the implications of the pandemic. They have however worked very hard and maintained their focus throughout this challenging time. I am sure all of their hard work will pay off and we hope they can achieve their best.
Orientation Day
The College has run two Orientation Mornings online over the last week for our new Year 5 students and for all students entering Year 7. These are important touch points to assist in their preparation for their start at Waverley and joining our community. Over 250 new students will join the College in January with around 156 of them in Year 5.
New students and families bring heightened energy and anticipation. This annual surge of young students and their families continues to enrich the College. Part of their challenge is to find their place and connection over the years ahead. Our Big Brother program will assist them to find their feet quickly. I thank our senior staff members, Heads of House and Prefects for hosting these mornings.
Co-curricular Recommences — All Notices Communicated via Nurrunga or Waverley App Only
A modified co-curricular program recommenced this week. Parents and students must please ensure they read all notices from now on in Nurrunga or via the Waverley College app for all other notifications. With some wet weather forecast over the next week, the app will be the only form of immediate notifications regarding any cancellations or adjustments. College fixtures and training schedules are viewable below:
>>> Click here to view more information in the article by Director of Co-curricular, Mr Stephen O’Donnell.
Parents’ Association AGM – Get involved!
Wednesday, 10 November 2021, 6pm to 8:30pm
The Annual General Meeting of the Waverley College Parents’ Association (WCPA) will include the election of office bearers for 2022. All parents and carers are invited to attend the AGM held online via Zoom.
All Executive Committee positions will be declared vacant and elections will be conducted for the following positions:
- President
- Vice President
- Secretary
- Treasurer
- Year 5 Parent Representative
- Year 6 Parent Representative
- Year 7 Parent Representative
- Year 8 Parent Representative
- Year 9 Parent Representative
- Year 10 Parent Representative
- Year 11 Parent Representative
- Year 12 Parent Representative
- Past Students’ Parent Representative
- Clothing Pool Coordinator
Any interested parent is encouraged to nominate for any of the above positions. Nominations will be accepted on the night, or interested persons may email Ms Tarryn Thompson at: tthompson@waverley.nsw.edu.au.
The WCPA Term 4 meeting will follow the AGM. This is an opportunity for parents to have a say and hear from myself and other staff.
>>> Click here to download the WCPA meeting agenda.
>>> Click here to view the Zoom meeting ID and passcode in the article by Parents’ Association President, Jade Stapleton.
UTS | Parents’ 1-1 Consultations — Online
- Tuesday, 23 November 2021, 5pm – 6pm
- Tuesday, 14 December 2021, 12pm – 1pm.
UTS are offering parents a consultation opportunity to get any of your questions answered. Find out about their admissions process, course and career information and support services.
This session is a live chat for parents of future undergraduate students interested in studying at UTS. Current students will be online and ready to answer any of your questions, including those related to:
- course content
- admission requirements
- student life
- and more!