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Please note: This post is from our website archive. Some of the information within this post may now be out-of-date.

From the Principal, Mr Graham Leddie

Academic Reception 2022

Academic Reception 2022

Academic Reception 2022

Academic Reception 2022

Academic Reception 2022

Year 12 

On behalf of the College Community, we wish our Year 12 HSC ATAR students all the very best with their upcoming trial examinations which start on Monday. 

Academic Award Winners 

Congratulations to all academic award winners from Years 10, 11 and 12 who were acknowledged at Thursday’s College Assembly which was held in the Centenary quadrangle and live-streamed.

It was a beautiful Sydney winter day with the sun out and made even more special with the attendance of approximately 70 parents. In my address to the boys, I highlighted the once-in-a-decade CSIRO report released this week, which identifies seven global megatrends. 

The report explores the geopolitical, economic, social, technological and environmental forces unfolding around the world, predicting their likely impact on Australia’s businesses, governments and people. 

One of the questions I asked the boys to ponder was the megatrend that was of interest to them as an area for a possible future career. And, which megatrend will impact the business that they are currently thinking about developing post school? 

The seven global megatrends are: 

1) Adapting to climate change 

2) Leaner, cleaner and greener

3) The escalating health imperative

4) Geopolitical shifts

5) Diving into digital

6) Increasingly autonomous

7) Unlocking the human dimension

I noted that these megatrends will provide them/us with challenges, opportunities and insights into where the most powerful innovation can be found. Disruption in our world is coming faster and larger than ever before. And, they will need to develop global competencies such as creativity, collaboration, critical thinking, character, citizenship, and communication to thrive in this space, pivot, develop trust and be able to change the world. 

Congratulations to the Years 10 to 12 Academic Award Winners

>>> Click here to view the list of Years 10-12 academic award winners.

Years 7-11 Parent Conferences 

Thank you for your support of the Years 7-11 parent/student/teacher conferences held on Monday this week. I hope they proved fruitful and allowed for good dialogue around strengths and areas for development. Research proves that when there is a strong partnership between parents and the school, better academic and wellbeing outcomes can be achieved. 

Academic Reception 

Here at Waverley, we strive for a holistic education for our students and recognise the importance of acknowledging and celebrating success in all its measures. It was with great delight that we celebrated the scholastic successes of our 2021 Major Award winners at Thursday evening’s Academic Reception.

The boys are to be congratulated on their commitment, determination and hard work. These students understand that success does not come from luck or by accident, nor does it come from being in the right place at the right time. It comes from owning your learning, believing in yourself, critical reflection and engagement, setting and executing goals, being curious, stepping outside your comfort zone and having a growth mindset. 

Congratulations on your outstanding academic achievements!

Academic Opportunities 

Please read Ms Pace and Ms Fernandez’s newsletter article for more information on Years 7-10 Science and ICAS Assessment for Years 7-10 students, and Ms Halpin’s newsletter article on the World Scholar’s Cup. 


Thank you for your support of the precautions and measures we are implementing to reduce the transmission of the faster spreading new variants of COVID-19. Whilst I acknowledge the hassle and inconvenience of wearing a mask indoors for students and staff for the next few weeks during a spike in our community, and also the wider community, we support the clear advice given by Dr Kerry Chant (NSW Chief Health Officer) and Professor Paul Kelly (National Chief Health Officer) that where social distancing is not possible, masks should be worn. 

My priority is to ensure face-to-face teaching is maintained and that our College operates as normal as possible. With the current teacher shortage in play even in capital cities, and the supply of casual teacher availability low, there is very little room to manoeuvre if COVID-19 numbers get out of hand.

We will continue to adapt and pivot to try to make sensible decisions that allow activities to continue. Debating, for example, will occur this evening, but instead of debating in a normal classroom space, all debates will occur in our larger venues across campus which are 4x the size.

I also believe we need to do everything possible to ensure our Year 12s are able to sit their trial examinations, which are a crucial preparation for their upcoming HSC examinations. 

Great Community Work and Support 

Congratulations to the Junior School who are supporting a number of charities at present through their work, action and fundraising. 

The School Fun Run has raised $27,676.00 in the first two weeks of Term 3 and this initiative supports the Sydney Children’s Hospital, Starlight Children’s Foundation Australia, and Children’s Leukaemia & Cancer Foundation. 

The Junior School began a Running Club which takes place each Monday lunch time with staff, students and parents. They are training for the City to Surf, supporting Running for premature babies. Waverley College is in 2nd place on the list of fundraising teams for City to Surf, with $17,100 raised so far.

The Junior School continues to sell Beanies for Brain Cancer, which the students have been able to wear at school until the end of Week 3. 

I look forward to hearing the results from the Teacher v Student fundraising initiatives that are taking place over the next few weeks, including dodgeball, Pictionary, Basketball and Theatresports, to name a few. 

Cadet Promotions for 2022/2023

It is with great pleasure that I announce and congratulate the senior appointments for the 2022/2023 Cadet Year:

The SUO is CUO Kayla Heng

The RSM is WO1 Angus Birrell

Adjutant – CUO Alistair Isaac

Training Officer – CUO Kitty Fitzpatrick

Operations Officer – CUO Sarah Teitler

Logistics Officer – CUO Lenny Joseph

A Company Commander – CUO Matteo Paolella

B Company Commander – CUO Kit Armstrong

C Company Commander – CUO Thomas Brenchley

D Company Commander – CUO Tom Gleeson

Support Company Commander – CUO Mitch Cahill

RSM – Regimental Sergeant Major

SUO – Senior Under Officer

CUO – Cadet Under Officer

WO1 – Warrant Officer Class 1