Principal, Mr Graham Leddie
2023 — Tuition Fee Increases
Further to my previous communications regarding school fees, the College is unfortunately receiving $27M less funding from the Government (both State and Commonwealth) over the years up until 2029. We therefore do not have a choice but to continue to address this issue.
In previous years, the College has absorbed $1.6M of reduced government funding (2021) and incurred further funding reductions of $2M (2022/2023). Further economic factors such as increases in inflation, wages and interest rates have also impacted the operations of the College, and are likely to continue to do so at least in the short term. The College has attempted to spread the recovery of part of this loss in funding and economic pressures across a number of years to lessen the impact on families. Whilst I appreciate the topic of fee increases is not the best of news, this is not something that has been orchestrated by the College.
Parents responding to the fees survey in 2021 were asked whether they were willing to pay more for the same service they currently receive. Their feedback indicated that they ranked particular attributes more highly than others. Those ranked most important were the quality of education (quality of teaching and learning, and the quality of teachers), as well as value for money. Many of the respondents considered a fee increase reasonable and affordable (still representing good value for money). However, some respondents stated an unwillingness to pay higher fees. A large number of these, and indeed most parents, indicated a deep connection to the College. They indicated that they would be resistant to leaving, but also acknowledged that, in some cases, they would need to absorb the cost themselves, or seek other finance options to pay fees.
I want to give you as much advance notice as possible that we are looking at an approximate fee increase of $438 per student for each term for 2023. We have added more options to assist with the payment of school fees including quarterly (four terms), monthly, and fortnightly payment options. For those families that need some additional time for payment, further flexible payment options are available via Edstart. Parents can apply at any time during the year, and Edstart will tailor a plan to meet your needs, based on your remaining school fee balance. Edstart is able to provide flexibility to families where their payments are set at a manageable level over the entire schooling period and beyond. This means that families are able to better manage their budget and are less likely to fall behind on their school fee payments.
>>> Click here to calculate your plan and apply online.
P: 1800 139 445
In terms of where does this fee increase place Waverley compared to other independent schools in Sydney? or for that matter across other Australian capital cities? These fee increases due to our reduction in government funding still leaves Waverley as good value when compared to other independent schools which are considerably higher. Even with fee increases in 2023 and 2024, our pricing will remain significantly lower than comparable independent schools.
The College is committed to providing a holistic education that aims to develop each student’s cognitive, spiritual, social, emotional, cultural and physical dimensions. We offer academic and vocational pathways and a broad co-curricular program across both the visual and performing arts and sports. And, we continue to seek academic improvement for all students, with the appointment of some new positions and new programs; Head of Enrichment, Head of Literacy/Reading, two academic streamed classes in Years 7 and 8, and the implementation of Writers Toolbox across the College, which aims to provide programs to improve writing outcomes.
Tuition Fees for 2023
Year Group | Tuition Fees |
Year 5 | $15,250 |
Year 6 | $16,060 |
Year 7 | $17,560 |
Year 8 | $17,560 |
Year 9 | $17,950 |
Year 10 | $18,250 |
Year 11 | $19,150 |
Year 12 | $19,150 |
Debating Team
I would like to congratulate the following students who had great success in the World Scholar’s Cup for Debating last weekend:
Charlie Murphy, Ewan McDonald, Campbell Porteus, Ricardo Zanapalis, Jock Edwards, Tashi Harrison, James Peate, Thomas Jackson-Whitlock and Nick Zanapalis.
Please refer to Ms Melanie Stephens’ article for more details.
>>> Click here to view the article by Ms Melanie Stephens.
90th CAS Track & Field Championships
Congratulations to our Track & Field Team who placed 3rd in the 90th CAS Track & Field Championships at Homebush last night. Thank you to the parents, coaches, staff and students who braved the rain to valiantly support our Track & Field Team.
Trinity Grammar School 708
Knox Grammar 633
Waverley College 606
The Cranbrook School 531
St Aloysius College 526
Barker College 499
You Get What You Give for R U OK? Day
For R U OK? Day, students came together to create a beautiful, vibrant message to share with the community by recreating the New Radicals song ‘You Get What You Give’, a song about self-belief, optimism, staying true to yourself and going for your dreams – all values that align with the important message of R U OK?
Please click on one of the following link and share with your friends:
YouTube: https://youtu.be/Lwq5O7b8QOA
Instagram Link: https://www.instagram.com/reel/CieyFl0Ajw3/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link
Facebook Link: https://fb.watch/fykhJ8QN4V/
I would like to congratulate the following students on their wonderful singing and participation:
- Year 7: Alexander King, Carter Kennedy, Ethan Khatib, Jone Tuquiri, Jude Maher, Oliver Isaac, Oliver Lorimer, Sascha Salama-Groser, Phoenix Miconi, Praman Gandhi
- Year 8: George Ellis, Enzo Rossi
- Year 9: Isaac Barton, James Peate, Elliot Barton, Lachlan Isaac, Lieme Chan
- Year 10: Zachary Hodges, Campbell Porteus, Keiran Markwick
- Year 11: Evander Hudson, Faaletino Jahnke-Tavana, Freddie Le Vay, Alistair Isaac, Angus Birrell, Hugh McDonald, Liam Russell, Nathaniel Phipps, Zion Ahosivi Poitaha, Paul Muir
- Year 12: Brandon Reid, Charlie Alexander, Christian Kitas, Cooper Stynes, Daniel Di Francesco, Daniel McSweeny, Evan Hodges, Guy Hammerschmidt, Harrison Gippel, Hugo Pizzol, James Kort, Jonathan Booy, Louis Kitto, Luke Stewart, Max Leedham, Solomon Tuquiri
And, thank you to the staff who assisted with the production: Ms Jaz Dolso, Mr Chris Balkizas, Ms Emma Laurence, Ms Keiran Kossenberg, Ms Cathy O’Sullivan, Mr Jesse Johnston, Mr Angus McPherson and Mr Bishoy Wasef.
The 24 Hour Row Supporting Charity Gotcha for Life
The 24 Hour Row is now in its 5th year and was started by Avalon Beach SLSC back in 2017 after the tragic loss of one of their members to suicide, they wanted to make a difference after seeing too many lives lost to suicide. They wanted to promote an event that would let others in their community know that there are people that care, who will listen, and that you are not alone no matter what you are going through.
With 3,139 suicides in 2020 (nine people each day), the cause has touched many people. Each year the event has grown with more clubs taking part every year. Maroubra SLSC joined three years ago, and this year was one of over 50 clubs and gyms around Australia to take up the challenge to keep numerous concept II rowing ergos continuously rowing for 24 hours.
Waverley is proud that three of our students rowed for over an hour to support this cause and their club. Well done to Vin Torsellii, Campbell McCarthy and Finn McCarthy.
Kids Giving Back Charity
I would like to acknowledge Noah Nunn, Harry Neylon, Taj Gadd, Oscar Litchfield, Luca Green, Dylan Zusack, Fonley Cromer and Benjamin Cromer, who recently participated in community programs at the charity, Kids Giving Back. They were among over 500 young people who produced over 13,500 hot meals, soup, salads, fruit kebabs, breakfast boxes, snack packs, care packs and decorated tote bags, with empathetic, positive messages, which were distributed to 13 charities around Sydney.
These eight student volunteers have helped many vulnerable people, many of whom were affected by this year’s floods. Kids Giving Back deeply appreciate their service to others and the kindness they have shown through their actions.
Hugo Kulcsar – Kids Cancer Project
Year 10 student Hugo Kulcsar is heading up a charity fundraiser for the month of September with the Kids Cancer Project to raise funds for kids cancer research. Hugo has survived his own extreme cancer journey and this year he has raised approximately $8,500 thus far. Tom Burke is also part of the running team raising funds, and the boys are well supported by Declan Minto, Edward Lyons, Tex Filipek, Noah Sullivan, Tom McKenna, King Manu and Hudson Hatchett. The boys will be running from Bondi to Maroubra this Saturday. We wish them all the best.
>>> Click here if you would like to support the boys and a great cause.
Parents’ Association Annual General Meeting – Save the Date – Tuesday, 1 November
The next Parents’ Association meeting and AGM will take place on Tuesday, 1 November 2022, where a number of office bearers for 2023 will be elected.
I’m grateful to Jade Stapleton for her tireless work as President for the past two years. She will be stepping down from this role at the AGM. Thank you also to Treasurer, Deb Johnson and Secretary, Stephanie van Dam, who have made sterling contributions to the Parents’ Association for many years, and will also be retiring from their roles.
Consider getting involved in the Parents’ Association, a vital part of the Waverley College community. With our ‘120 Year’ celebrations happening in 2023, there will be numerous exciting events throughout next year, and your ideas and energy are very welcome.
Please submit expressions of interest for the following positions for 2023 and beyond to Ms Emma Laurence – Marketing & Development Manager elaurence@waverley.nsw.edu.au
- President
- Secretary
- Treasurer