Principal, Mr Graham Leddie
World Teachers’ & Support Staff Day – #WTD2022
Today in Australia, we celebrate World Teachers’ Day and World Support Staff Day. I am appreciative of the difference Support Staff and Teachers make in schools. I am grateful for their care, patience, compassion, sharing of knowledge, skills and support. I congratulate them and thank them for choosing to work in an environment that can have a positive influence on others.
Paul Dillon Parent Session – Vaping, Thursday, 3 November 2022, 6pm
You are invited to join an online Parent Session on Thursday, 3 November at 6pm. Paul has been working in the area of drug education for more than 30 years. The parent session is titled ‘Vaping – short and sweet: What do parents need to know?’
Click here to read more in the article by Mr Patrick Brennan
Click here to view the Zoom link
Meeting ID: 814 7077 9076
Passcode: 224589
EREA Renewal Leave
Renewal leave is part of the employment package in many schools for Deputy Principals and Principals, and I would like to wish Mr Patrick Brennan all the best as he embarks on his renewal leave for the remainder of 2022, and for the first few weeks of Term 1, 2023.
Edmund Rice Education will shortly announce the Acting Deputy Principal – Students, to replace Patrick during this time.
ICAS Assessment Results Highlights
ICAS is an elite annual competition to recognise academic excellence across Australia, New Zealand and the world.
Merit awards are given to students who achieved within the top 50%, Credit awards for students who achieved within the top 25%, and Distinction awards for students who achieved within the top 10% of all students in Australia sitting the test.
Congratulations to all students who participated in the English and Science ICAS Assessments this year.
- Merit Awards
Year 7: Toby Johnson, Matthew Park, Evan Service
Year 9: Lieme Chan, Thomas Jackson-Whitlock
- Credit Awards
Year 7: Loughlan Delaney, Christian Micallef, Leo Owen
Year 8: Lewis Hamilton
Year 10: James Birbas, Robbie Muir, Campbell Porteus
- Distinction Awards
Year 10: A special mention to Aodhan Williams who achieved a Distinction.
- Merit Awards
Year 7: Jed Garrat, Harry Trinca
Year 9: Ari Sebastian, Cillian Donnelly
Year 10: Bailey Barker
- Credit Awards
Year 7: William Bayly, Henry Fitzpatrick, Luca Green, Toby Johnson, Leo Owen, Evan Service
Year 9: George Alexandratos, Samuel Caro, Tomas Crosson, Thomas Jackson-Whitlock
Year 10: Campbell Porteus
- Distinction Awards
Year 10: A special mention to Aidan Murray who achieved a Distinction.
Save the Date: Friday, 27 January 2023 – 120 Year Garden Party
The College turns 120 on 27 January. 120 years ago on this very date, 17 students started at Waverley on their first day of school. We hope you will join us in January for an evening of dinner and dancing to celebrate 120 Years of Education at Waverley.
Including some of Sydney’s premium food trucks, draught beer, open bar, and champagne will be available to purchase. Dance the night away under festoon lights to the sounds of the Baker Boys 8-piece band. Located on Campus under the stars, in the beautiful Braidwood Courtyard.