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Please note: This post is from our website archive. Some of the information within this post may now be out-of-date.

From the Principal, Mr Graham Leddie

Principal, Mr Graham Leddie

Principal, Mr Graham Leddie

This week

Year 12 HSC 

Today is the last day of HSC ATAR exams for our Year 12s. Each day for the past four weeks, they have attended both morning and afternoon examinations for their respective subjects. We wish them all the very best as they now wait for their results and take the opportunity for a well-earned break, and perhaps a Christmas holiday job before starting their respective course next year. 

A Life Well Lived Serving Others 

We were honoured to have Christian Brother Frank O’Shea speak to the students at Assembly this week, and talk about his life’s work. From setting up Edmund Rice Camps for struggling Australian children 40 years ago, to working in Tonga, South Sudan, Rwanda, Tanzania, and finally to Kenya where he was the Director of the Ruben Centre for 10 years. Frank has sought to make a difference in each community, learning their language and assisting with education and health programs. 

The Ruben Centre is a non-profit, faith-based organisation striving for an empowered and just Mukuru community, by providing quality education, health, financial and social services to children and families in the area.

Run by the Christian Brothers African Province, it is one of eight Christian Brothers project sites across Africa, and offers a vital source of community development programs to the residents of one of the largest slums in Nairobi.

Frank’s stories were inspirational and certainly touched many of the boys’ hearts within the room. 

Choral and Chamber Music Concert 

On Tuesday night, I attended the inaugural Choral and Chamber Music Concert in the War Memorial Chapel, featuring the College Choir, Chamber Choir, Cantores, Jazz Band A, Saxophone Ensemble, Clarinet Ensemble, Brass Ensemble, String Ensemble, Guitar Ensembles and soloists.

The evening was a great success showcasing the amazing musical talent of our students to their parents, carers and friends. Congratulations to everyone involved, the quality of music was very impressive.

Special thanks goes to Ms Jaz Dolso, Mr Chris Balkizas, Ms Michelle Rollins, Mr Daniel Williams, Ms Keiran Kossenberg and our peripatetic staff. 

Paul Dillon 

We hope parents/carers gained some good insights from drug and alcohol expert Paul Dillon this week. Paul is the founder of Drug and Alcohol Research Training Australia (DARTA) and has worked in drug education for over 25 years.

Paul gave some great insights on adolescent usage of drugs and alcohol, and in particular the current state of vaping in schools around Australia. Paul was also impressive in his delivery of effective strategies for parents/carers in managing their sons with appropriate conversations and seeking support.

His knowledge of the range of issues facing young people today is strongly evidence based and well-researched. We will be inviting Paul back again in 2023, and would encourage as many parents/carers as possible to be a part of his vital presentations, that are critical to young people’s wellbeing. 

For any parents/carers who missed this presentation, Paul has a number of presentations and podcasts on his website.

Click here to view the website of Paul Dillon

Letter to the Prime Minister

I congratulate Year 9 student Constantine Iatrou on his letter to the Prime Minister, Anthony Albanese. 

Subject: Antibiotic Resistance 

The Honourable Anthony Albanese MP. Prime Minister 

Dear Sir, 

The problem of antibiotic resistance worldwide has become urgent and dire. 

Please massively fund our CSIRO to research and develop a new generation of powerful antibiotics. 

This would alleviate the great suffering of humanity, as did the original development of Penicillin by the research team of the renowned Australian Nobel Laureate, Howard Florey. 

Yours sincerely, 

Constantine Iatrou (Year 9 Student)

Prime Minister’s Response

Prime Minister's Reply to Constantine Iatrou

2022 Civics and Citizenship Convention

Congratulations to Year 10 student Lachlan Miranda, who was chosen to attend the inaugural Civics and Citizenship Convention at NSW Parliament House on Thursday (27 October), as one of 30 students from across all of NSW. He represented the College with distinction.

During the day, Lachlan listened to guest speakers from universities across Australia, arguing the nuances of Australian voting and how the voting system can be improved. The day concluded with the student communique (declaration) affirmed by the President of the Australian Senate (Canberra) Senator the Hon. Sue Lines live from Canberra.

Click here to read more

Old Boys in France

The following three Waverley Old Boys send their best wishes to the College from their Wallaby Training base in France whilst on the spring tour – Sam Talakai: Tighthead Prop (Class of 2010), Jed Hollaway: Lock (Class of 2010) and Ben Donaldson: Fly Half (Class of 2017). 

Wallabies Spring Tour in France - Sam Talakai, Jed Holloway, Ben Donaldson

Wallabies Spring Tour in France – Sam Talakai, Jed Holloway, Ben Donaldson

Reminder – Year 10

Tuesday, 8 November will be the last day of class for Year 10 students.

Special Days at the College Next Week

There will be visitors on our campus next week. If you see them, do make them feel welcome.

  • Year 7 (2023) Orientation Day – Tuesday
  • Back to Waverley Day – for those men who left the College 50 years or more ago – Thursday