Principal, Mr Graham Leddie
Vale Dr John McLaughlin (Class of 1954)
It is with a heavy heart that I inform you of the passing of Dr John McLaughlin AM, KCSG, KGCHS – an Old Boy and ex-member of the Waverley Board. John left the College in 1954 and was a Retired Judge of the Supreme Court of NSW.
John was 10 years on the College Board during Mr Ray Paxton’s tenure. John was a proud Old Boy of Waverley College and we send our deepest sympathies to his family and friends.
Finish the Term Well
I encourage all boys from Years 5 -12 to finish off Term 1 well. It has been a very positive term across both campuses and it is important that boys exhibit self-control right to the end. Self-control promotes delayed gratification and directly influences thoughts, emotions and impulses. The reward of Easter and a holiday are close, but it is important to ‘stay the course’ until the end.
These are good practices to support and encourage as self-control is a critical trait for success in any aspect of life, and a practice that can be worked on. Self-control helps build resilience and assists in achieving goals and priorities. It also promotes good habits such as studying regularly, managing time effectively and avoiding procrastination, which are all essential for success in school and beyond.
Assembly Awards
It was a pleasure to present at this week’s assembly, the summer co-curricular awards across such a broad array of activities, with many splendid individual and team performances. Congratulations to all award winners.
A new academic award was launched and presented for the first time at assembly called the ‘Growth Awards’ which were presented to students who had achieved the most significant growth across their respective subjects between semesters.
>>> Please click here to find out more about these exciting awards in Ms Elizabeth Watson’s article.
One of my most prized possessions at home is my replica Lewis Chess set. The original pieces are now located between the National Museum of Scotland and the British Museum in London. They were found in 1831 on Lewis in the Outer Hebrides of Scotland. The pieces were carved from walrus ivory and sperm whale tooth and are believed to have been made in Trondheim in western Norway around 1150–1200.
In this newsletter, Ms Helen Barrie our Head of Academic Enrichment, explores the benefits of Chess and cleverly sets up a learning experience where students can transfer their understanding of Chess strategy to inform their deeper understanding of the strategy of language composition.
>>> Click here to explore further.

The Lewis chessmen. Image: courtesy The British Museum
Year 11 Drama
I had the pleasure of attending our Year 11 Drama class assessment this week where they performed very well in front of peers, parents, carers and staff. Drama has always been strong at Waverley under the leadership of both Ms Alison Jinga and Mr Peter Lamb. Drama provides a wonderful opportunity for students to express themselves and showcase their performance skills, which are vital across many aspects of life and future employment areas. A new winter co-curricular Drama Club is starting up.
>>> Please click here for more details.
Election BBQ Parents’ Association
The Parents’ Association organised a sausage sizzle last Saturday for voters at the NSW State election. The funds raised are to start off our fundraising campaign towards a new Science Centre to be built on the senior campus, parallel to our tennis courts. Thank you to our wonderful parents and carers who volunteered: Daniella Strbac, Leanne Whittingham, Juliette Carter, Wendy Salkeld, Sarah Constable, Sharon Stuart, Simi Seroa, Lil Murphy, Rachel Clarke, Melissa Maclean, Deidre O’Connell Boreland, Sam Bullock, Chantal Hughes, John Dodsworth, Brett Stapleton and Jade Stapleton (President of the Parents’ Association).
We wish all Cadets a safe and enjoyable AFX camp. Ms Judith Poole, Principal of St Catherine’s School, Sir Peter Cosgrove and myself, will be visiting the Cadet Camp next week.
It never ceases to amaze me of the amount of opportunities, events, and activities occurring across both the Senior and Junior Schools at any one time. Make sure you check out in this newsletter the 2nd Big Brother Little Brother program with Rock and Water Program, the Year 11 Galmatic Car Workshop – teaching students how to maintain a car, the Beginning Concert Bands starting Week 1 of Term 2 for Junior and Senior students, holiday volleyball camp, Annual Waverley Youth Art Prize now open for entries, the Elite Football Camp – University of Wollongong and Tottenham Hotspur on campus, reflections on Teaching Creative Writing with Writer’s Toolbox, Year 11 SLR hike through the Royal National Park, the University of Newcastle’s Science and Engineering Challenge, and the Junior School creative writing competition.