Principal, Mr Graham Leddie
Further to my welcome back and online learning correspondence on Wednesday evening, I would like to welcome five new families who are joining the College Community this semester. I am sure they will receive a warm Waverley community welcome.
The NAIDOC 2021 theme – Heal Country! – calls for all of us to continue to seek greater protections for our lands, our waters, our sacred sites and Aboriginal people’s cultural heritage from exploitation, desecration, and destruction.
The theme resonates closely with what we have been called to do as Church through Laudato Si. Pope Francis calls us to to “show special care for Indigenous communities and their cultural traditions.” (>>> Click here to view Laudato Si).

Celebrate NAIDOC Week!
Smart Goals
Next week brings the start of a new semester and it is the perfect time for students to set new goals for the term ahead. Each student in Years 5-11 will be asked to write their SMART Goals down for the term ahead in their student diary on page 111. Discussion, reflection and input from parents/carers, wellbeing mentors and each student will bring the best results from this process. These should be finalised by the end of Week 2.
Positive Mindset
Whilst this term brings with it a start that we all would prefer to be different, it is important for everyone to engage in what we refer to in our Wellbeing curriculum as having a positive mindset.
The benefits of a positive mindset are real and demonstrated by multiple scientific studies. Positive thinking is not about sticking your head in the sand when faced with life’s issues and it is not about ignorance and turning away from problems. It is about approaching unpleasant situations with more positivity and productivity and using logic and reason.
Kendra Cherry, psychologist and author of the book, Everything Psychology, suggests positive thinking consists of four approaches to reality:
- Approaching challenges with a positive outlook;
- Making the most out of potentially bad situations;
- Trying to see the best in other people; and
- Viewing yourself and your abilities in a positive light.
And by engaging in these approaches, she argues that your physical health, mental health, relationships, and schooling/career will improve.
How to create a positive mindset and attitude to life?
Our 2021 Year 12 cohort have given us some assistance here in their choice of motto: ‘Real Gratitude: Deeds not words.’ Being grateful for the things we do have can go a long way to changing our attitude, and our Year 12s are encouraging us to do this through action.
Another way is to keep your own gratitude journal. Hard book copies can be purchased or there are digital apps that are free to download such as The Five Minute Journal app. Spend five minutes every day thinking about the positives in life and writing them down.
Another way to create a positive mindset is to change the language you use.
If you describe your life as tedious or difficult, it is likely that you will feel the same way. By using positive language you can reframe how you feel.
Simple changes such as using the word ‘get’ rather than ‘have’ can make a difference.
For example:
I have to go to work vs I get to go to work.
I have to be online vs I get to be online.
I have to visit my grandparents vs I get to visit my grandparents
The subtle change in language moves it from a task to an action, it sounds more positive and you are reinforcing gratitude in your life.
Other ways to create a positive mindset and attitude to life will be unpacked in later newsletters and include: Being present in the now, learning how to accept rejection, volunteering, breathing exercises, surrounding yourself with positive people, rewarding yourself and finding your emotional outlets.
Online Learning Summary
Over the next few days, staff will be setting up Google Meets for students across Years 5-12. Can I ask that you support your son in managing these invitations as he will be receiving quite a number of them while the classes are initially set up. Your son will manage this by regularly checking his email over the next few days and accepting these invitations from teachers.
A reminder that on Tuesday the schedule will be slightly different due to Assembly (5-12) and Wellbeing Groups (7-12).
Years 5 – 6
- 8:40am – Whole School Assembly (link sent by Nikki Smith)
- 9:15am – Classroom Teacher (Google Meet)
Years 7-12
- 8:40am – Whole School Assembly (Link sent by Nikki Smith)
- 9:15am – Wellbeing Group (Google Meet)
- 9:30am – Period 2 (Google Meet)
Classwork will be uploaded to CANVAS. Meetings will take place on Google Meets. All students need to be in their PDHPE uniform on Google Meets. Please ensure your son is familiar with the Online Learning Protocols and expectations including his adjusted timetable, where to find his classwork and online meeting etiquette.
Events and Co-Curricular Activities
In light of the current Government and Health Department COVID-19 restrictions, all face-to-face events are on hold until further notice.
Parent/Teacher/Interviews are going ahead on Zoom.
- Year 12 on 14 July: 3:30pm-7pm
- Year 11 on 28 July: 3:30pm-7pm
- Years 7-10 on 19 July: 8:30am-6:30pm
Please check your son’s year group Action Items below for more information.
- CAS: no directive as yet, but at this stage, there will be no training or games
- Monday 19 July: no classes for Senior School students
Prayer for term ahead
God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change;
Courage to change the things I can;
And wisdom to know the difference.
Mary of the Cross – pray for us
Blessed Edmund – pray for us
Live Jesus in our hearts – forever