Principal, Mr Graham Leddie
At last week’s Commencement Mass, Fr Bernie encouraged the boys to embrace the year and to find and share love in their lives. He shared with us his recent experience of working with a young couple who were preparing for their upcoming wedding nuptials in the Parish. He was impressed with the couple and their wedding party and their ability to talk about their love openly and their support for each other.
To be able to articulate their feelings of friendship, attraction, intellectual compatibility, compromise, and, of course love. Without identifying them, he pointed out that the groom and groomsmen may have attended a school the audience knew very well… There is certainly more room for love in the world and compromise and Fr Bernie encouraged the boys to search for both in their daily lives.
We celebrated Ash Wednesday this week which is the start of Lent and is a time for prayer and reflection. It is a time to examine our lives and see what changes we can make to truly become the best-version-of-ourselves; the best friend, the best team member, the best teacher, the best spouse, the best parent, the best follower of Jesus.
Our new Spirituality and Mission Coordinator, Mr Tom Kennedy, delivered a powerful speech and explained that as a school, our focus on penitential practice and almsgiving during Lent was to encourage students to support other members of the wider community and build bridges within their families and friends.
From start to finish, Lent is 46 days, which is about as long as it takes to form a habit. Giving something up can make us stronger. Self-discipline and determination is like a muscle, the more you exercise it, the stronger it becomes. By doing something that is difficult, out of your comfort zone, or less enjoyable – whether it’s committing to no technology just before bed, reading every night for 20 minutes, pushing yourself in fitness, or giving up a food that you like, it builds your strength in character.
In Romans 5:3-5, Paul wrote that suffering produces perseverance, character, and hope.
When you persevere through something challenging it makes you better and builds your resilience. Sacrificing even just one thing that isn’t necessary, helps draw attention to what is important in life such as helping others, supporting family and friends, education, health, nature, kindness, respect, and love. If a small, temporary sacrifice can help refresh our priorities in life, it is a worthwhile venture.
The other side to giving something up, is starting something new. What is a challenge that you can take up that will benefit you and the people around you? Maybe it’s a health challenge, doing some chores around the house, maybe committing to three minutes of mindfulness a day, maybe it’s a social activity, maybe it’s a new skill you want to learn, maybe it’s saying “thank you” more often, or maybe it’s a second shot at a New Year’s resolution. Take up something, anything, that inspires positive action and positive change in your world.
Finally, while a challenge is great for self-improvement, it can’t be done in isolation. The ultimate purpose of Lent is that it draws us nearer to God and those around us in our community. Through prayer, mindfulness, attentiveness, and perseverance we can grow in love for God and those around us. Some of those positive habits and attitudes that you take up in Lent, might end up lasting a lot longer.
Cadets – Reveille Mess
On Saturday night, we held the Annual Reveille Mess at the Stamford Plaza Hotel, a military-style formal dinner for Old Boys and Old Girls of the Cadet Unit. 120 guests attended, including dignitaries and the executive from both St Catherine’s and Waverley College. Thank you to our cadets who served on the night.
Year 12 Guest Speaker
Thank you to Old Boy, Dr David Curran (Class of 1970) for the lecture he delivered to Year 12 English students this week. David has dedicated his life to helping and curing others as a doctor at St Vincent’s Hospital, Royal Prince Alfred Hospital and Shoalhaven District Memorial Hospital. He is highly regarded in his profession and lectures new doctors in training at the University of Wollongong.
Please see Ms Lynsey Porter’s article HERE for more details.
Health Care
Please support the College Health Centre by making sure your son/s medical history is updated. This will help us better manage students in our care and ensure we have the correct medications and management plans available.
Registered Nurses Ms Emma Quirk works Monday – Wednesday and Ms Julia Ritoli works Thursday and Friday. You can reach them on 02 9369 0644 or nurse@waverley.nsw.edu.au
Blue & Gold Ball
Our Blue & Gold Ball is planned to take place in August 2024. Read more about the Blue & Gold Ball HERE.