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Please note: This post is from our website archive. Some of the information within this post may now be out-of-date.

From the Principal, Mr Graham Leddie

Principal, Mr Graham Leddie

Principal, Mr Graham Leddie

Prayer for Lent 

Ashes of death

on our foreheads,

seeds of hope in our hearts.

As we begin the journey,

beyond the cross,

let us remember,

God prepares us for life

and not for our death,

for resurrection and not crucifixion,

for love and not for hate.

In a world where death holds us bound

and violence seems to reign in thought and deed,

may this journey of Lent

get us ready,

to be God’s good news of hope and wholeness, and resurrection of life.


Blessed Edmund Rice – Pray for Us           

Mary of the Cross – Pray for Us 

Live Jesus in our Hearts – Forever.

Celebrating Excellence: Highlights from the 2023 Academic Reception 

On Thursday evening our community came together to celebrate our Years 6-12 Academic Awards winners of 2023. The Academic Reception was an evening of triumph and celebration, dedicated to recognising the outstanding achievements of our students. 

During the high achievers’ assembly a few weeks ago, we outlined a blueprint for success that focused on character skills transcending traditional academic boundaries. The students we honoured this week certainly embody this blueprint for success. They have exemplified resilience, perseverance, and an unquenchable thirst for knowledge, weaving these qualities into the fabric of their academic journeys.

Academic Reception

We also acknowledged our Parents and Caregivers for their crucial role in their children’s success. Their unwavering support, sacrifices, and dedication to fostering a nurturing environment were instrumental. Similarly, we celebrated the dedicated teachers and support staff who shape the academic landscape. Their commitment to excellence and passion for lifelong learning mould both academic achievements and character.

Congratulations once again to our award winners of 2023! As we reflect on this inspiring evening, we encourage everyone to revel in the joy of our collective achievements and look forward to the bright futures ahead. Thank you for being part of this incredible community.

Academic Reception

Wellbeing Program Tweaks 

Please take a moment to read Deputy Principal – Students Mrs Gabby Smith’s article HERE on some wellbeing initiatives and tweaks to our program, and to get a better understanding of what happens in connection, culture and communication time CCC. Wellbeing Zoom meetings are next Monday.

Parents’ Association 

On Saturday night we were thrilled to have 500+ parents and carers join us for the annual Parents’ Association Welcome Cocktail Party to celebrate the beginning of the College year! Thank you to the Parent Association for hosting this event, the weather gods looked after us with a beautiful summer evening setting under the large fig tree.

The food was beautiful but sadly, the supplier who ran the bar for the Parents’ Association was not able to cope with the demand of such a large crowd. It is something that we are well aware of and I hope it didn’t detract from your enjoyment of the event too much.

Luna New Year Dragon Boating Regatta

Congratulations to the students and coaches on receiving the 2nd place in the Junior Opens at the Prestigious Luna New Year Dragon Boating Regatta, last Saturday. The Waverley/St Clare’s boat beat schools/clubs that train regularly and finished 2nd in the Open Junior and 3rd in our Mixed categories, which I think is outstanding after just three training sessions.

Dexter Francis (Yr 8), Jude Hamilton (Yr 8), Vinny Kapos (Yr 8), George Kyriakopoulos (Yr 8), Eric Li (Yr 8), Charlie Meagher (Yr 8), Jake Meagher (Yr 8), Finley Mulligan (Yr 8), Nicholas Patakas (Yr 8), Zavier Prichard (Yr 8), Max Wu (Yr 8), James Wynyard (Yr 8), Thomas Cannon (Yr 9), James Cullen (Yr 9), Carter Kennedy (Yr 9), Luca Mazzucco (Yr 9), Ben Adams (Yr 10), Cristian Abruzzese (Yr 11), Akiva Loye-Blinkhorn (Yr 11), Luca Passicot (Yr 12), Oscar Passicot (Yr 12), Lucas Screnci (Yr 12).

More details can be found in Mr Stephen O’Donnell’s article HERE.