Principal, Mr Graham Leddie
Easter Message
As we approach Easter, a time of renewal and rebirth, let us reflect on the profound message it brings to us all.
There is an unmistakable sense of finality surrounding a grave or tomb. It’s a symbol of endings, of closure, of hopelessness. When the tomb of Jesus was sealed with a big round stone, it must have seemed like a cosmic full-stop. The light had dimmed. The world was left in darkness.
Yet, Easter reminds us that appearances can be deceiving. It speaks to the very heart of our human experience – a narrative of struggle, despair, and ultimately, triumph. For in the Easter story, we find that the stone was rolled away, the grave could not contain the divine light within. It was a moment of transcendent revelation – a declaration that even the darkest of nights must yield to the dawn of hope.
In our lives, we encounter what seem like full-stops – situations that appear utterly hopeless, challenges that overwhelm us, grief that consumes us. Yet, Easter whispers to our souls that there’s no such thing as an ultimately hopeless situation. Every full-stop is, in fact, a comma or perhaps a dash – a pause in the narrative, not the end of the story.
Easter invites us to embrace the truth that even in our darkest moments, there is a glimmer of light, a spark of hope waiting to be ignited. It calls us to remember that just as the tomb could not confine the boundless love of the Divine, so too can no challenge, no adversity, no despair, confine the indomitable spirit within each of us.
So, as we gather with loved ones, as we celebrate this season of new beginnings, let us carry within us the message of Easter – that love conquers all, that hope springs eternal, and that even in the face of the gravest of trials, we are called to rise again.
May this Easter be a reminder that no matter how daunting the journey may seem, the promise of resurrection and renewal is always within reach.
Wishing you all a blessed and joyous Easter.
Lent Charity
We would like to thank all our parents, carers, staff and students for the wonderful support they have shown throughout Term 1 with both our fundraising appeals, donations and charity drives.
At the Junior and Senior Campus, Shrove Tuesday marked the beginning of our Lenten Appeal to support Caritas, with students indulging in delicious pancakes. The St Patrick’s Day fundraising efforts resulted in money being raised for our St Vincent de Paul Night Patrol which is a new partnership for us. The Junior School contributed fruit and muesli bars to complement the sandwiches provided for this initiative. Each Night Patrol team consists of 7-15 volunteers, who engage with people from all age groups who are marginalised or experiencing homelessness, providing them with companionship, food and referrals onto other support services.
Our Harmony Day fundraiser was very well supported by the community with students raising money and developing an understanding of the many cultures from around the world. All funds generated were donated to the Edmund Rice Centre for their refugee assistance efforts.
Overall, as a College community, we raised over $6,000 over the Lenten season to support Caritas, St Vincent de Paul and the Edmund Rice Centre. We are so grateful for the support of everyone involved.

Photo: courtesy Walkawhile website, The Catholic Leader
Memory Mountain, Northern Territory, Australia – the Cross on Memory Mountain was officially launched and handed over to the local Indigenous community during the 2023 Indigenous Easter celebrations. Families came from communities near and far to join festivities and see the lights on the Cross turned on Good Friday evening.
The Vatican, St Peter’s Basilica Easter – the Easter Vigil is a highlight of Easter celebrations at the Vatican. Held on Holy Saturday evening, it includes the lighting of the Paschal candle, readings from Scripture, and the celebration of the Eucharist.
Jerusalem – Church of the Holy Sepulchre – this site has been recognised since the 4th century as the place where Jesus died, was buried, and rose from the dead. The Rock of Calvary, where the Crucifixion is believed to have occurred, is encased in glass at the lavish Altar of the Crucifixion and is the most-visited area within the church.
The Hill of Crosses – Lithuania – the hill is today considered as a symbol of suffering, hope and unbroken faith of a nation.
Christ the Redeemer – Brazil’s general symbol of welcome, with arms open wide. One of its original creators called it a “monument to science, art and religion.”
The Celtic Cross – one of the most popular symbols of the Irish Christian faith as well as the Celtic culture and identity. The Celtic Cross is said to be a representation of knowledge, strength and compassion to manage life’s ups and downs.
Christ the Redeemer of the Andes, Chile – Argentina border – the statue Christ the Redeemer of the Andes stands at the summit of La Cumbre pass in the Andes mountains on the border between Argentina and Chile. It was unveiled in 1904 as a symbol of the peaceful settlement of the border dispute.
White Crosses of World War II, Normandy – the long lines of white marble Latin Crosses and Stars of David symbolise the sacrifices that the Allied nations made.
Seven images above: courtesy Creative Commons
Easter Long Weekend
Reminder that there is no school on Thursday, 28 March and then we return the following Tuesday, 2 April.
Easter Mass Times – Mary Immaculate Church, 45A Victoria Street, Waverley
Holy Thursday | Good Friday | Easter Saturday | Easter Sunday |
No Morning Mass
7pm: Lord’s Supper Mass |
10am: Stations of the Cross
3pm:Commemoration of the Passion |
No Morning Mass
7pm: Easter Vigil |
9:15am: Mass
No Evening Mass |