Narrabeen Headland. Image: courtesy Maurice van Creij, Wikimedia Commons
Details: Geography Year 11 and Year 12 Field Trip – Narrabeen
Date: Friday, 2 September 2022 (Week 7)
Time: Meet in the Centenary Quad at 8:30am, to arrive back at school approximately 3:15pm
Cost: The cost of this excursion has been added to your son’s school fees
Uniform: College Sports Uniform
Wet Weather Advice: The field trip will go ahead in all weather expect thunder and lightning. Therefore, students are advised to bring along a raincoat / umbrella with a change of footwear.
Food: Students are to bring their own food for morning tea and lunch – there will be limited time to visit food outlets.
*We aim to be back at school by 3:15pm. Students will be expected to attend any co-curricular activities that afternoon. Should traffic prevent our timely return, this will be communicated via the Waverley app.
Do I Need to Give Permission? Yes.
Please complete the permission slip in the link below. This confirms that you have read the above information and give your permission for your son to participate in this excursion. Please complete this form by Wednesday, 24 August 2022.
>>> Click here to view and complete the Year 11 and Year 12 Geography Field Trip Permission Slip.
Ms Rebecca Sutcliffe
Geography Teacher
E: rsutcliffe@waverley.nsw.edu.au