George William Rummery Music Scholarships - applications closing soon!
From Ms Keiran Kossenberg, Performing Arts Centre Coordinator
Waverley College awards the George William Rummery Music Scholarships as a means of encouraging students to realise their potential and strive for excellence. The George William Rummery Scholarship is a gift of the Rummery Family in memory of their son and brother, George, whose life ended tragically in 1982 when he was in Year 8 at Waverley College.
The Scholarship is awarded to students of the College who display particular aptitude and interest in music. The scholarship covers ongoing full or partial remission of music tuition fees for students from Year 7 to Year 12.
Who can apply? The George William Rummery Music Scholarships are available to students currently enrolled at Waverley College and to external applicants who have applied for enrolment.
Applications: Candidates must complete and submit the George William Rummery Music Scholarship Application Form and supply all supporting documents to verify the application.
Application deadlines: 2021 Scholarships will commence in Term 2, 2021. Applications should be lodged with the Performing Arts Coordinator by Monday, 22 March, 2021. Auditions will be held from 24-31 March 2021 and the scholarship will be offered prior to the end of Term 1 to commence at the start of Term 2, 2021.
More information: Ms Keiran Kossenberg, Performing Arts Centre Coordinator, Waverley College 9369 0623 kkossenberg@waverley.nsw.edu.au