Commanding Officer – WCCU, MAJ(AAC) Julie-Ann de Kantzow
Cadets on Friday was an exhilarating and energetic afternoon as platoons competed for the coveted Golden Boot Trophy.
Company Commanders inspired with incredible energy to bring their companies together under their respective flags. Company spirit is so important for morale on AFX and the levels on Friday were astronomical.
We congratulate Delta Company for their all-round excellent performance, but the winning platoon was 2 Platoon from Alpha Company. Congratulations to SGT Mitchell Ho and his team for their physical stamina and collective teamwork.
Thank you to the SUO, CUO Kayla Heng, and her team in RHQ for putting together an engaging afternoon for our recruits. Thank you to our MCs, CUO Alistair Isaac and WO1 Angus Birrell for running the afternoon so well.
From our reporters in Media Platoon:
“The Golden Boot is a thrilling competition that builds on confidence, teamwork and communication skills. The recruits participated in multiple activities such as push-ups, plank, methods of movement relay, jerrycan relay race, ordering rank slides and tug of war. Extraordinary work by Delta Company for the best overall company and congratulations to 2 platoon on winning the Golden Boot for 2023.”

Friendly competition from Delta CPL Stapleton and Bravo CPL Isaac

Great form in the push up competition

Leopard crawl in the Methods of Movement relay

Company Plank

Incredible stamina from REC Freddie Robertson in the plank competition

Alpha Company giving their all in the tug of war

Jerry can relay

The winning platoon – 2PL – with their trophy
AFX 2023
Thank you to the parents/carers who have responded to the Joining Instruction and registered their cadet’s attendance on AFX. Could I please encourage everyone to click the button below to register and provide the latest medical information?
All cadets need to be registered via this form by Wednesday, 1 March 2023.
6 weeks to go!