From Scott Coleman, Head of Green House
Farewell to Green House class of 2018 – Always have strength in unity.
Dominic Augoustis
Tom Bower
Daniel Brown
Anthony Candi
Allan Cannes
Daniel Chow
Max Coleman
Louie Cosgrove
Lucas Dedes
Johnathan Edwards
Nathan Higgs
Nicholas Kalitsis
Kye LLewellyn
Charles McGrath
Thomas McMah
Baxter Oleksyn
Ben Scarf
Benjamin Stopic
Thomas Wood
Jamie Worthington
Mitchell Zervos
As we farewell our year 12 Green students, I can’t help but look back at the journey they have travelled in their time as Waverley College Students. For some it is a journey that began in 2011 at the junior school, while welcoming many others at the start of year 7 in 2013.
It has been a journey of many triumphs, adversity and success. The men they have become is a testament to the support the students have received from parents, guardians, teachers, friends and multiple other influences in their life. We have been lucky, as a school to be an important part of their story so far, and know they will have success wherever the seek to travel and wish them all the best in their future endeavours.
I must make a special mention to all the Green House Mentors that have supported our year 12 students during their final year. The support the teachers have provided has made the success of each boy possible.
I would also like to mention all the parents for the education you have provided our year 12 boys. By choosing Waverley College, the boys have become learners, social justice advocates, sportsmen, debaters, friends, and transitioned to adulthood.
I want to praise all the efforts that every student has provided to Green House and Waverley College in their time at the school. They have each had a positive impact on the school somewhere in their journey and the school is now a better place for having them come through.
As a house, we wish you all the best with your exams and thank you for your service to Waverley College.
I want to make a special mention to my year 12 leadership team this year. We were lucky to have 6 leaders in Green House this year. They were exceptional in their support of the programs we ran and we were very lucky to be blessed with such capable young men that will no doubt be future leaders in their careers/lives after year 12. Thank you very much gentleman for your incredible work this year.
Green House 2018 Leaders:
Allan Cannes
Ben Scarf
Daniel Chow
Daniel Brown
Dominic Augoustis
Nathan Higgs
School Awards
Congratulations to the following students for winning special awards this term:
Head of College Awards
Jay Briggs
James Byrd
Brad Wilson
Charlie Worthington
Alexander De Barros
Language Perfect World Championships 2018 – Credit Award
Hugo Defina-Sperando
Language Perfect World Championships 2018 – Bronze Award
Louis Liong
Write a Book in a Day Participation Award
Lucas Lim
Heath Jackson
Patrick Smith
Ryan Bayas
Finn Harley Whitney
Lachlan Muir
Isaac Coombes
Jack MacKenzie
William Lane
Will O’Connor
Ben Stirling
ICAS Science Exam
Louis Lioing – Credit
Isaac Coombes – Credit
Jack Mackenzie – Participation
The Waverley College 2018 Writing Competition
Will O’Connor – Overall winner
Term 3 – Gold Awards
Aj Preketes
Ethan Williams
Valan Candi
Lucas Giordano
Nathan Higgs
Freddie Le Vay
Noah Matet
Thomas McMah
Will O’Connor
Iam Vuk
Andrew Zurike
Rory Hughes
Finn Harley Whitney
James Stewart
Charlie Worthington
Allan Cannes
Aidan Volpatti
Malachy Brough
Archie Mcinally
Luke Mullens
Brad Wilson
Aidan Pascoe
Patrick Nand
Louis Liong
Charlie Farrington
Khalil Kandakji
Alex De Barros
Hugo Pizzol
Jay Briggs
James Byrd
Brad Wilson
Charlie Worthington
Alexander De Barros
Winter Sports Awards
Congratulations to the following students for winning winter sports awards from the winter season:
1st XI Football Best Team Man 2018
Ben Scarf
Michael Lovell Shield For Contribution To Football 2018
Anthony Candi
Best & Fairest 8A Football 2018
Emilio Vinci
Open Cross Country Champion 2018
Charles McGrath
Year 7 – Most Consistent Performance in Debating – 2018
Jay Briggs
Year 7/8 A AFL 2018 Best & Fairest
Louis Kitto
Best & Fairest Senior Judo 2018
Sebastian Rayk
Best Sports Photographer 2018
Ian Vuk
Music Cliff Goodchild Band
Remi Defina-Sperando
Track & Field Co-Captain
Daniel Brown
The following students also won special awards for the athletics season:
15 Years College Champion
Ullhas Dey
Jeremy Roff Award – Best Middle Distance Athlete
Charles McGrath
Br Lewis – Best Hurdler Award
Luke Marshall
CAS Best Performance – 14 Years
Conor Ryan
Best Team Man – Opens
Anthony Candi
Year 10 Dinner Dance
Our year 10 students engaged in the year 10 dinner dance this term. After a three course meal the boys spent the night dancing with friends and partners. A joyous celebration as they enter into their senior years of schooling.
Year 9 Camp
Congratulations to our year 9 campers from this term. From all reports it was a successful experience for all involved. I would like to thank Matthew Johnstone for his support in taking the group. I also wanted to thank the fathers that came out for the father/son component of the camp.
Junior School update
This term our junior school students engaged in a variety of exciting events. Thanks to all boys for actively taking part in the events listed below. We have a very bright future in Green House with the students coming through from our junior school.
- Blitz day
- Big Brother/Little Brother Program
- Athletics Carnival
- Walkathon
I also want to thank Stephen Ghattas and Gabrielle Bransby for their support in setting up the farewell cards for our year 12 students on our last assembly.
Wellbeing Program Term 3 – Be the best Version of Me
Our points of emphasis this term for our wellbeing time was about making a contribution to the Common good and making a positive difference in the lives of those less fortunate than ourselves.
“Be the best version of me” Helps us to identify and celebrate what is right with us. Throughout this term we challenged all students to reflect upon our most positive attributes; both individually and collectively. Then reflect, when do Waverley boys do their best work and how can we do more of it and more often?
We adopted a strengths based approach as we focus on what is right with us. This will also enable us to see the positive in our relationships with others and indeed the world around us more readily. Identifying and building upon these personal strengths is not to deny the presence of negative emotions or negative experiences but rather see this challenges as an opportunity to develop new skills resources and aspects of our character.
Thanks to all the mentors for running through our wellbeing curriculum this term.
Important Calendar Dates – Term 4
Next term Green House will be taking part in our annual fundraising events as a house for White Ribbon Day. We will be running annual events next term leading into our final big event of the White Ribbon Day walk.
- 8th November – Green House College Assembly – Guest Speaker
- 16th November – White Ribbon Day Fundraising BBQ (8:30 am – 9:15 am)
- 23rd November – White Ribbon Day Walk – Our Green House Community Prefect will be speaking to the community on behalf of Waverley College at the event More Information
All these events will be compulsory for Green House students next term, I would like to encourage all parents to participate in these events as well.
Have a wonderful and relaxing holiday break.