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Please note: This post is from our website archive. Some of the information within this post may now be out-of-date.

Health Tips for Year 12 and Online Learning Parent Tips

Deputy Principal - Student & Staff Wellbeing, Mr Patrick Brennan

Mr Patrick Brennan, Deputy Principal - Student & Staff Wellbeing

Stay Healthy Year 12

Health and wellbeing are more important than ever, as our Year 12 students continue their school assessments and prepare for upcoming Trial HSC exams during the COVID-19 outbreak.

>>> Click here to view the Stay Healthy HSC Hub which is now available to help students and parents with tips for prioritising wellbeing, including:

  • Checking in to support with friends and family;
  • Practical help to visualise and manage study goals;
  • Identifying different types of stress.

Also, make sure you access Wednesday’s Sydney Morning Herald which contained another great resource: the HSC Study Guide 2021.

Students are encouraged to join the #StayHealthyHSC conversation on social media to share how your students are taking care of their wellbeing.

Parenting Tips During Online Learning 

Online learning and spending more time online during lockdowns, should not mean our children have free reign. When talking with your sons about their time online, try always to be positive and open. Put healthy boundaries in place immediately. It is essential to know and understand that many of the same behaviours that keep children safe offline can help keep children safe online. 

Here are a just few tips: 

  • During the lockdowns in 2020, online predatory behaviour towards Australian children increased by 122% (quoted by the ACCCE – Australian Centre to Counter Child Exploitation). Now is an excellent opportunity to talk to your sons about what they are doing online, safe and age-appropriate platforms, and the steps they take to stay safe online. Make sure they can tell you, without fear of being banned from their devices, if anything happens online that makes them feel uncomfortable or if they see something confronting;
  • Agree on how much time your kids spend online in addition to their schoolwork. Include how long they can play games, what group chats they are allowed to use, and how long they spend on them. Apple provides a great function whereby parents can control apps that are downloaded, screen time limits, and times of the day when the phone’s internet cannot be accessed (settings + Apple ID + Family sharing + Add your son + Screen Time);

Online library resources

  • Ban devices at dinner for the whole family;
  • Encourage and constantly reinforce positive social values. This is extremely important. We all need to be kind, respectful, and responsible online at all times. Understanding why this is so important can help keep kids safe online;
  • Know where to seek help and assistance for both you and your child if you should need it. To report severe cyber bullying, image-based abuse, illegal and harmful content, and adult online abuse, >>> click here to visit website of the eSafety Commissioner. If contact includes threats of harm, suspicion of grooming, and child exploitation, contact your local police or Crime Stoppers immediately;

eSafety branding

  • Report online bullying to the College. A screen shot should be taken (and sent to the College), the offensive content deleted, and the person blocked;
  • Be aware of any signs of your child being distressed. It is also vital that your child can contact and access support, for example, through the kids helpline. >>> Click here for the Kids Helpline or phone 1800 55 1800 or your son’s Head of House;
  • Be careful not to share photos that may compromise your child or affect their privacy and protection during lockdown, particularly when sharing your own stories and pictures. It may seem like a great way to stay connected, but always think of your son’s privacy first;
  • If you have a child who is into gaming, try online gaming yourself to connect with your kids during a lockdown. This can be a valuable way to talk about their world and what is important to them.

Ideas for Offline Activities

It is crucial that you also find some time to do offline activities with children and encourage them to do things that we often don’t get a chance to do, like baking, puzzles, and gardening.

Senior Students in the TAS Sustainability Garden

A student preparing a desert as part of a food technology class

Finally, the biggest endorphin booster for adolescent boys (and girls), is exercise. Get them out of the house for a surf, skate or ride around Centennial Park. We are truly blessed with so many movement opportunities on our doorsteps.

Max Leedham

Max Leedham surfing


Mr Patrick Brennan

Deputy Principal : Staff and Student Wellbeing 
