Congratulations to our CAS Drill Team for their outstanding performance at the CAS Drill Competition on Wednesday, hosted by Trinity Grammar at the Knox Grammar Great Hall. We congratulate our friends at St Aloysius’ who were victorious on the day.
The CAS Drill Competition is one of the key events in the Cadet Calendar, as 91 Battalion aims to maintain the high standards of drill, dress and bearing, in a collegiate atmosphere of friendly competition. I was so proud of our team who generously donated so much of their time before and after school, to rehearse and become one as a team.
Cadets new to the team, cadets new to drill, cadets continuing from the 2021 team, all came together to reach the high standard we set. For me, the united crack of the boots on the final halt, signified their achievement. It was at that moment that they felt the unity, the success of having given of their best for the good of the team.
Well Done
WO1 Charles Alexander, WO2 Angus Birrell, WO2 Mitchell Cahill, WO2 Darius Hall, WO2 Alistair Isaac, WO2 Matteo Paolella, SGT Paul Muir, CPL Bailey Barker, CPL James Birbas, CPL Anika Bradford, CPL Matthew Garrop, CPL Emma Hartwig, CPL Mitchell Ho, CPL Julia Mallam, CPL Oliver Malzard, CPL Declan McAuliffe, CPL Robert Muir, CPL Meg O’Connor, CPL Hayley Paddock, CPL Luca Patrick-Watkins, CPL Reuben Seroa, CPL Aodhan Williams, CPL Zara Wiseman, CDT Lachlan Isaac and CDT Lachlan Marzol.
Thank you, also, to LT(AAC) Max Petrov and the CUOs from Year 12 who gave of their time to train the new guard.
Educative Year 8 Parent Information Evening
We had a full house for the Year 8 Parent Information Evening on Monday, and I thank everyone for their enthusiasm for the Cadet experience commencing for our new recruits next term. For those unable to attend, I will email an information sheet to summarise the key points.
Passing Out Parade, Annual Awards Ceremony and Dinner
This weekend marks the end of our Year 12 Cadets’ journey with the Waverley College Cadet Unit, and we celebrate our senior ranks’ five years of service with Passing Out Parade, commencing at 11am on Sunday, 5 June in the Centenary Quad.
Parents and friends are most welcome to come and view the parade from the upper levels of the College. This is also the occasion to recognise the fantastic contribution of so many of our talented and selfless young people at the Annual Awards Ceremony. In the evening, we continue the celebrations with a special military dinner for our Year 12 cadets and their parents in the school gymnasium.
As we say good-bye to our Year 12 leaders, we look to preparing our new leaders on the Promotions Courses from Monday, 27 June – Saturday, 2 July at the Winbourne Conference Centre in Mulgoa. Thank you to all cadets who have registered their interest in promotion to Corporal, Sergeant, Warrant Officer or Cadet Under Officer.
MAJ(AAC) Julie-Ann de Kantzow
Commanding Officer – WCCU
E: jdekantzow@waverley.nsw.edu.au