By the end of Semester 1 of 2018, no more single use plastic items will be used in the TAS faculty
The TAS and VET Hospitality Faculty is implementing a new strategy to address the reliance on ‘single use’ plastic items during practical lessons, in line with the sustainability and environmental policies of the College. In 2018, Waverley College will be phasing out all single use items from our kitchens, including takeaway containers and disposable cutlery.
At present students are provided with a takeaway container after every practical lesson to take food prepared during lessons to lunch or home. These items are being used for short periods of time before ending up in landfill, where they will never break down. To replace these, we have purchased a 2 litre Sistema container for each student in Stage 5 and Stage 6 food related subjects and each container will be labelled with the student’s name and year group.
It will become your son’s responsibility to bring this to each practical lesson so he is able to package food he has prepared. It will be an expectation that the container is returned to school clean for each practical lesson and failure to do so will result in disciplinary action.
It is our goal that by the end of Semester 1 of 2018, no more single use plastic items will be available in the TAS faculty. This is one of many strategies across the school that form part of an overall focus on creating a more sustainable campus. Our aim is to foster environmentally friendly habits and practices which students can model in daily life.
We appreciate your support and your son’s participation in our efforts to ensure Waverley College is at the forefront of sustainable practice in school environments.
If you would like any further information please contact the following staff members, who are part of the Sustainability Committee at Waverley College:
- Garth Aird HEAD OF TAS
- Stephanie Boyce TAS/VET TEACHER
- Kyle Newbury TAS TEACHER