The College’s House Athletics Carnival for Years 5-12 will take place on Friday June 18, 2021 at ES Marks Athletics Field — entry via Boronia Street in Kensington (off Anzac Parade).
The emphasis of the day is participation and friendly House competition. The day is also an excellent opportunity for students to display their talents (hidden or known), in order to gain selection in the College Athletics Team. Students will compete in their age category.
Do not let your son stay at home even if he does not like athletics. The day is a great community and House team building occasion. Resilience is built at times when we sometimes do not want to do something.
Dress to and from school: College tracksuit
Dress at the arena: House shirt, College shorts, House coloured garments, College cap, sunscreen.
- Students who require transport to the venue must be at school by 8am
- Students making their own way to the venue must be there no later than 8:45am
- Buses will return students to school or they make their own way home.
*Any students interested in participating in Javelin or 3K run must be at ES Marks by 8am.
Please note:
- The morning roll call will be taken on arrival at the venue
- Expensive items are to be left at home.
- Students will have very limited access to their bags during the day.
- Wallets and mobile phones can be stored in a secure area.
- Students will return to the College by bus at the end of the day
- Students may make their way directly home from the venue at the discretion of their parents.
Food: Canteen facilities are available at the venue but please be warned they are not cheap. Students are encouraged to bring their lunch/drink with them. The canteen is CASH ONLY.
Wet Weather: In the event of heavy rain, the wet weather line will be updated by 7am (phone: 8250 3780) as well as an email sent to parents and students. If the carnival is cancelled, students will NOT be required to be at school, however, for those students requiring supervision for the day, staff will be at the College for normal school hours. Students will be supervised if needed in the College Library.
We are sure the day will be enjoyable for all. Parents are most welcome to attend.
Mr Graham Leddie, Principal
Mr Steve O’Donnell
Director of Co-curricular
E: sodonnell@waverley.nsw.edu.au