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Please note: This post is from our website archive. Some of the information within this post may now be out-of-date.


How Do I Get My Teen to Read?

There's SO much out there to read!

From Teacher Librarian, Ms Sue Bognar

1. Be a model for reading

Make sure you have a time each day when the family sits down and reads, even if it’s 20 minutes (and put the phones away). It doesn’t have to be fiction – newspapers and magazines are fine – it’s all about boys seeing everyone reading.

2. Find male readers outside your direct family to encourage them

Maybe a grandfather, uncle, neighbour – anyone respected and liked by your son(s).

3. Make the reading positive

Don’t worry about mistakes in this 20 minute time. Talk about what you’re reading – “You wouldn’t believe what this guy did in his life…” Try not to make it like a quiz ( “What did you read, who was it by?”)

4. Have lots of reading material around

Books, magazines and newspapers!

5. Visit libraries and bookstores

They are such fabulous places – you might enjoy them too.

6. Ask the College’s library staff for ideas

We can help you find books to match your sons’ interests. We have plenty of ideas about what they might like and dislike as well as an extensive range of brochures and resources, a fabulous collection and lots of reading knowledge!


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