On Tuesday, Year 10 STEM students travelled to Sydney Olympic Park to represent Waverley College in this year’s Science and Engineering Challenge.
Eight teams participated in the challenges, with one team focussing on the final Bridge Design challenge, aiming to hold 200 times its weight across the track.
Check Out These Challenges!
Throughout the day, points were awarded for each team’s response. The challenges consisted of designing a shelter to withstand a simulated earthquake, building a bionic hand, designing a buggy to rove Martian terrain, planning efficient transport networks, building model turbines, sending secret coded messages with pulses of light, and planning electricity infrastructure to cities.
The challenges provided students with a positive experience in Science and Engineering fields. In teams, students creatively designed solutions to simulate the roles of Engineers, Architects, Surveyors, Biomedical Engineers, Construction Managers, Mathematical modellers.
The students worked brilliantly, and are congratulated on their efforts.
Ms Kim Spicer
TAS Teacher
E: kspicer@waverley.nsw.edu.au