College Registered Nurse, Ms Adele Cutbush
Dear Parents/Carers of Year 7 and Year 10 Students,
This is important information regarding the school based vaccinations, please read carefully.
Re: Third Vaccination Clinic for Year 7 HPV and Year 10 Meningococcal ACWY Catch Up Dose
The change to the human papillomavirus (HPV) dosing that occurred at the start of 2023 meant that students in Year 7 only required one dose of the HPV vaccination, opposed to two doses. NSW Public Health anticipated we would retain the scheduled 3rd clinic date (Tuesday, 19 September, 2023) to enable an opportunity to catch up students who may have missed out at previous clinics.
However, given the overall good uptake of vaccination this year, there are fewer students requiring catch up vaccination than anticipated, providing NSW Public Health with the opportunity to schedule shorter visits and allow us to visit more than one school per day.
Therefore, NSW Health has proposed that the original scheduled date and time for our catchup clinic is subject to change. As they are likely to be visiting more than one school per day, start times will differ from previous visits and will be included on reminder emails sent closer to the date.
To ensure the clinic runs as smoothly and effectively as possible, the Waverley College Health Centre has been provided with a list of all students who have completed their vaccinations for 2023, along with students who need a catch up dose. The parents/carers of the students who require a catch up dose have already been emailed. So far, we have vaccinated 205 out of 227 Year 7 students and 167 out of 211 Year 10 students. We have received eight Year 7 and 24 Year 10 online consents for catchup.
*If you have not received an email from the Waverley College Health Centre about catch up vaccinations OR you have not completed the online consent form for your child to receive the vaccination, then it is likely you will need to complete the online consent as soon as possible. This way NSW Health can determine whether an additional clinic is required.
Please follow this link for online consent: NSW Health Service
Please be reminded of the following:
The following vaccines are offered free to students at school:
- in Year 7 – diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis (dTpa) and human papillomavirus (HPV)
- in Year 10 – meningococcal ACWY vaccine.
Vaccination will only be provided at school if consent has been received.
To provide online consent for vaccination, parents/carers will need:
- their ServiceNSW login details, or to create an account with ServiceNSW if they don’t already have one
- Medicare details for parents/carers and their child
If you are experiencing problems consenting online then please contact the Health Centre for a paper consent form. You can email your request to: healthcentre@waverley.nsw.edu.au ATTN: Adele Cutbush (Registered Nurse).
Thank you.