From the IT Manager, Simon Potter
End of lease arrangements 2019
iAssist are now beginning the end of lease process for laptops held by students in Years 6, 8, 10, 12. This year parents will need to nominate whether they wish to purchase the laptop or return it via an online form. Details have been sent to Year 12 parents last week and families in Years 6, 8 and 10 will receive information later this week.
Waverley College has partnered with FamilyZone to provide an ‘at home’ web filtering service free to parents. This is a great way to have greater control over what is being accessed at home and when and the licence can also be used of mobile phones. To get access to the software parents need to onboard via this link:
Information relating to the FamilyZone product can be found at:
If you already have an existing FamilyZone subscription we can also move you into the Waverley College free account.
Skoolbag have recently released a new app for iPhone and Android. The new app will replace the current Waverley College App which will be retired in the near future so I would encourage all parents to upgrade as soon as possible. Any parents who do not have the App should go straight to the new version.
Reminder that Skoolbag is used to communicate important relevant information regarding life at Waverley College, this includes wet weather info, maps, event information etc.
iOs Apple:
iAssist are looking to recruit 2 graduating students from the 2018 cohort. They will be working with the iAssist team building the new laptops for students joining Waverley College in 2019. To be considered students must be available for work in December / January. If you are interested or would like further information please send an email to itmanager@waverley.nsw.edu.au