Borroloora soccer player
From the Registrar, Terese Kielt
The John Moriarty Football Scholarship Program is about creating opportunities for talented young elite footballers who have a dream to pursue both their education and football in Sydney.
It is a radically life changing opportunity for those talented young footballers in our program who show exceptional sporting ability. Their partner schools include Westfield Sports High School, Hills Sports High School, Endeavour Sports High School, SCEGGS Darlinghurst and Waverley College.
They operate on a home-based model, where families board our young athletes.
They are looking for welcoming families to host young (generally 12 to 13 years old) Aboriginal student athletes who will be attending Waverley College. They come from remote Borroloola in the Northern Territory and participate in the Football program which uses sport as a vehicle for wellbeing. Through football the children gain access to educational opportunities and a healthier future.
To read more about the John Moriarty Scholarship Program, please visit The Nangala Project HERE
If you have a soccer playing son and are interested in becoming a host family and want to find out more about it, please contact me on tkielt@waverley.nsw.edu.au