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Please note: This post is from our website archive. Some of the information within this post may now be out-of-date.


Join a band in 2018

From the Music Faculty

Join a rock band

The Rock Band program is now up and running for Years 6 to 11.  There are still a number of places available for any student wishing to be part of this program.

The Rock Band program offers students the chance to form a group, learn songs, write and arrange their own material, rehearse on a regular basis and then perform and record their own music.  The program integrates with the existing musical performances within the school, along with exciting new performance opportunities such as lunchtime concerts, workshops and community events.

Each group in the program will have a minimum of five members following the standard lineup of vocals, guitar, bass, keyboard and drums.  Other instruments will also be considered, if appropriate.

Junior Singer

A singer is required for the junior school band.  The group meet on a Monday morning before school at 8.00am.

Any interested students should make contact with the Music Faculty or email: