Every September, Australia celebrates and takes time out to read for Australian Reading Hour.
This year, Years 7 and 8 have the opportunity to join us on Monday 13 September and Tuesday 14 September at 12:50pm for two great readings. Students will be read to for five minutes on both days.
Who Will be Reading?
Monday session: Mr Roberts (Head of Library Services)
Tuesday session: we hope to have our new School Captain reading with Mr Robert Tall (College Literacy Coordinator).
>>> Click here to view more information about Australian Reading Hour.
How Do I Access Australian Reading Hour?
Access to this event is via your sons accepting the Google Meet invite sent. You are welcome to join your sons in this event via your sons’ Google Meet.
What Book/s Will be Read?
One reading will feature the highly anticipated new book by Morris Gleitzman, Always.
>>> Click here to view information about the book Always by Morris Gleitzman.
“Morris Gleitzman has a rare gift for writing very funny stories and an even rarer gift of wrapping very serious stories inside them.” – The Guardian.
The final powerful episode in the life of Felix, hero of the moving and multi-award-winning Once, Then, After, Soon, Maybe and Now. Includes a personal Afterword from the author, Morris Gleitzman … It’s 15 years since readers were first introduced to Felix in Once and, across six celebrated books, our brave young hero has survived many unforgettable and emotional journeys. 2021 sees the publication of the seventh and final part of Felix’s story.
Mr William Roberts
Head of Library Services
E: wroberts@waverley.nsw.edu.au